Increase Your Effectiveness

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In today’s hurly burly world where there never seems to be enough time for everything that needs to be done, what would you give to increase your effectiveness, or perhaps even double it?

We often hear how efficient people are but we don’t often talk about personal effectiveness.

What’s the difference?

Well, simply put, efficiency is about doing everything well, whereas effectiveness is doing well that which is really important.

Efficient people are more likely to feel stressed out precisely because there just isn\’t enough time to do everything as well as they would like. Effective people make choices. They focus on what really needs doing and then on getting that done. They are less likely to ‘sweat the small stuff’!

Here are fifteen tips for raising your effectiveness. They were designed for people like coaches who run their own small businesses – but they can work for anyone.

[box type=\”shadow\”]“True effectiveness is a function of two things: what is produced (the golden eggs) and the producing asset (the goose).”

– Stephen Covey[/box]



Increase Your Effectiveness (Continued)


Utilise the unique strengths of others

We all have unique abilities. Recognise this in others and tap into your network.

Develop a reserve of extra people around you. It’s always useful to have a ‘directory’ of useful resources to hand (especially in an emergency). Prepare a list of all the people you know – and their contact details – that could be of assistance in various circumstances. Delegate or outsource new projects, tasks and accountabilities easily and quickly.

Expect at least as much from others as you expect from yourself

Don\’t hold your productivity back by assuming members of your team won\’t or can\’t do at least as much as you can. Let go of any fear of consequence. Get used to hearing people say “No” to you.

Raise your standards

Don’t be ‘overly’ reasonable. Ask for exactly what you want and need by when you most want it. Create a same-day culture around you – where everyone thinks in terms of immediate response, resolution and request fulfilment. It really can work. Share with your team members why what you need is so important and motivate them to help you without delay.

Don\’t delay tackling important tasks

Procrastination often leads to waste and builds mountains out of molehills. When something needs to get done – just do it and you’ll feel great!

Keep your physical surroundings clean and orderly

A messy handbag, wallet, filing cabinet, desk or office is a time waster. If you know where you have put everything, you will spend less time looking for things.

Organise your time

Don\’t attempt too many tasks at the same time. Prioritise your efforts and you will get more accomplished in less time.

Under-promise, over-deliver and learn to say “No”

Gain a reputation for delivering more than you promise. Never be tempted to over-promise. Say ”No” or at least negotiate when you know saying ”Yes” is going to be a burden.

Learn and practice methods of stress reduction

There are plenty of DVDs and books available that can help.

Allocate time to that which gives you pleasure

Make sure you allocate at least 30 minutes a day to something you enjoy. Take your focus off work and revitalise yourself.

Stop tolerating what you don\’t like

Resolve to ‘put up with’ less. Coach others to do it your way or to your satisfaction. You can accommodate and compromise, but don\’t drop your standards or reduce your boundaries. Productivity and toleration don\’t mix.

Get the information you need immediately

Don\’t wait. Don\’t be put off. When others say ”No”, consider that to be the beginning of the conversation, not the end. Ask to be put on hold, ask for immediate attention or resolution, and ask for an exception. If needed, schedule a call-back time when the answer or required information will be available.

Cut down your appointment times

If you regularly schedule 90-minute coaching sessions, cut them back to 75 or even 60 minutes. Deliver more value in less time and increase productivity for you and your clients. This needs discipline and skill on your part but you can do it!

Tackle problems with more resources than you need

The highest levels of productivity occur in ‘Problem Free Zones’. In order to become more problem free, invest time and resources into addressing the source of problems rather than the superficial symptoms. Make problem solving an investment in your business, not an expense.

Keep your word

Under promise if you have to. Enjoy living on the positive side of the performance ledger. Keep your integrity. Productivity increases naturally in an environment where people work with integrity.

Analyse the way your household is run

You may need to make some fundamental changes. Just because something has always been done a certain way does not mean it needs to be done that way forever. If you have children, encourage them to take on tasks. They may enjoy the responsibility. You certainly will!


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13 thoughts on “Increase Your Effectiveness”

  1. Wow… Thought provoking and very aspirational insight!! Practical and adaptable tools that I’m grateful for, plan to implement and share…
    Thank you Bill.. May you be eternally blessed!!

  2. On point as always. These tips are truly helpful. I know a few people that I will share with. Trusting your team members will always take a lot of weight off your shoulders, and you can sleep easy at night. Thank you Bill.

  3. Roger Arendse

    I’ve been coaching a client recently who desires more productivity and effectiveness in his life – a challenge for many others out there. Your article is practical and helpful . Thanks, Bill

  4. A great set of defining characteristics which clearly distinguish between effectiveness and efficiency. They can be universally applied to enhance each aspect of our lives and to make us feel more comfortable. Thank you for choosing another thought provoking topic, Bill.

  5. henry w arendse

    Hi Bill, powerful stuff. I like it a lot. Thanks for your constant motivation. Once again a blog much needed for where I’m at right now. Regards

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