Remote Working Really Works

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One of the most appealing things about a career in life coaching is the flexibility that it offers you. Remote working is a big part of that.

Not only can you work from home and avoid all of the expense, time and travel fatigue that we have all come to associate with conventional office jobs … but, with a little pre-planning, you can pretty much work from anywhere you like!

I’ve written about this before and, of course, at New Insights we frequently make this point when marketing the idea of becoming a life coach.

But having returned from an island holiday that, in a couple of instances, took us far from the beaten track, I’m even more convinced of this than ever before.

“We like to give people the freedom to work where they want, safe in the knowledge that they have the drive and expertise to perform excellently, whether they are at their desk or in their kitchen. Yours truly has never worked out of an office, and never will.”

– Richard Branson


The market is actually huge

Many people allow themselves to get put off the idea of becoming a life coach due to anxiety about whether their local community would offer a big enough market for their services, or for fear of there being too many life coaches in their area already.

Even without the wonders of modern day technology and the Internet, these fears are largely unfounded. The market is actually huge, far larger than most realise. Those that have experienced it will know that life coaching is relatively affordable and can benefit just about everyone. The key, of course, is making people aware of this!

However, when you begin to appreciate just how effective life coaching is when conducted remotely – over a telephone, or better still, Internet connection – you start to realise just how flexible and convenient a career in life coaching can be. 

Initially sceptical

Like many, I was initially sceptical when it came to ‘remote’ coaching. After all, I rationalised, this is a high-touch business where building trust or rapport is a key success factor. Surely that requires coach and client to be face to face in the same room?

Despite my scepticism, I have Skype (possibly the best known of the voice-over-internet technologies) to thank for my very first experience of life coaching. 

I liked it so much I bought the business

What I loved was the freedom it gave me to pour a glass of my favourite tipple, kick off my shoes, relax and stop fretting about whether I was suitably dressed or having my body language analysed by my coach!

In fact, so powerful was that first experience of life coaching, despite not meeting my coach face-to-face, that it became the catalyst for my involvement and eventual ownership of New Insights life coach training. 

Reliable Internet connectivity

That was nearly twelve years ago and since then remote working technology has come on in leaps and bounds. And, as I was delighted to confirm on our recent holiday, reliable Internet connectivity is rapidly becoming something you can take for granted no matter where you are on the planet.

The last week of our holiday was spent on a relatively remote island in Indonesia where modes of transport are limited to the humble bicycle and the horse and cart!

As that last week coincided with month end, I had taken precautions by rescheduling important calls and webinars and pre-settling personal bills, critical company expenses and anything else requiring stable online connections.

I needn’t have worried.

Free wi-fi was available everywhere … and unlike the modes of transport, was exceptionally quick, perhaps even quicker than what I had become used to at home! Skype and all my other favourite online apps worked seamlessly. 

Reinforcing my earlier experience

This was an important test that reinforced the experience that I had had a few years ago while visiting my son in Beijing. If the business model allows it we can, nowadays, work and run businesses from just about anywhere we choose.

Of course, there’s little that modern technology can do to resolve the issue of incompatible time zones but unless you choose to live in New Zealand and service a client base in the UK, for example, you will simply need to adjust your working hours somewhat. 

Live your dream

So, if you want to live a low cost, laid back life on a tropical island or a remote getaway and coach wealthy clients in London, Johannesburg or New York … believe me that it no longer has to be a dream. Now it can be your reality.

Remote working really works!

22 thoughts on “Remote Working Really Works”

  1. hi Bill

    thanks for this insightful post. encouragement for someone like me living in Kinross Mpumalanga … theres hope to build clientele even in the are I live in …

  2. Given the caliber of clients I’m dealing with around I prefer face to face option. Clients are more open in this option. But since internet is an advanced option flexibility is great. Both options are great depending on the environment around. Thanks Bill and welcome back.

  3. Victoria Damane

    This is encouraging and motivating for me as a new trainee coach? Thanks Bill for sharing.

  4. Hi Bill,

    Thanks, Bill, I’ve done a couple of Skype sessions and must agree with you, it works well.

    The popularity of online coaching sessions and therapy through video conferencing is definitely increasing.

  5. Hi Bill ,
    Remember me ! The timing of your blog is perfect ….
    I am back in the Business Coaching saddle after a number of year away.
    Being split between UK and SA each year the ONLY way for me to re build my business is Remotely .
    Thank you .

    Be in Touch
    Mike Bond

    1. I remember you Mike Bond! 🙂 Welcome back.
      Love this post Bill and wholeheartedly agree. I love that I can coach clients in Paris, Sweden and Australia …via Skype, Whats App call or Zoom. Coaching this way encourages me to listen really deeply, to ask, to reflect, to be fully present in a way that is of service to my client and ….I love that I am getting better at this every time.
      I am definitely going to connect about your Bali trip as it is on my bucket list.
      Thank YOU!

  6. How reassuring it is to have these various options whereby we are able to interact with our clients. Personally, I prefer face to face consultations and have found them to be the most effective means of communication during my 5 years as a New Insights Pro Life Coach.

  7. I love the flexibility and freedom of this job! The biggest plus in South Africa and especially Cape Town must be no sitting in traffic. I always said I wanted a job I can do in my pajamas (only Skype clients 🙂

    1. Indeed – and thanks for your reflection, Tania 🙂 Send us a pic of those slippers to upload!!

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