The Time Has Come to Think of Many Things

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Lewis Carroll’s rather zany poem, The Walrus and the Carpenter, is the unlikely inspiration for today’s post.

And though I happen to love oysters it has nothing to do with the odd duo’s unsuspecting victims!

“The time has come,” the Walrus said,
“To talk of many things:
Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax–
Of cabbages–and kings–
And why the sea is boiling hot–
And whether pigs have wings.”

– From ‘The Walrus and The Carpenter’ by Lewis Carroll

A timely reminder

Every year at around this time, I enjoy breakfast with the owner of one of the major distributors of our training programmes, where we reflect on how the year has gone, what lies in store for the coming year and a number of other topics ranging from politics to sport to … well, you name it!

“The time has come,” the Walrus said, \”to talk of many things.\”

This was the appropriate quote with which my good friend and colleague kicked off this year’s discussion … and it was a timely reminder that the time has come when we could all benefit from some serious thinking about our lives!

Precious window of opportunity

As the chapter starts to close on yet another year, my favourite advice – to those who desire positive change in their lives – is to use this precious window of opportunity carefully.

For most of us, the end of the year signals time to wind down, take the foot off the gas, relax and forget about the rigours of our day-to-day work for a while. It’s time to take a break, get together with loved ones and get a little rest and relaxation.

Readers in the southern hemisphere will rejoice knowing that the long holidays with sunny summer days are just around the corner. Those in the north will more likely be looking forward to log fires, hearty meals and a few good sleep-ins.

Wherever you are, the end of the year break represents, as I said, a window of opportunity.

Step off the treadmill

For one, two or perhaps a few wonderful weeks, we can step off the treadmill of day-to-day life and, if we choose, savour the opportunity to refresh mind, body and spirit.

The truth is, we think differently when we pause our involvement in the rat race. We are bolder, more creative, more expansive and more open to listening to those inner voices that we spend so much time during the year trying to suppress!

Start to dream again

This is the time when, if we allow ourselves to, we can start to dream again about how we could change our lives and about how good life could be if we just had the courage to change or do this or that!

This is the embryonic period for all those well-meaning New Year’s resolutions that people chatter so excitedly and passionately about in the first few days back at work after the break.

Whisked back to the ‘real world’

The sadness is that the break is short, temporary, fleeting – and before we know it we are whisked back to face the reality – or surreality – of day-to-day life on the treadmill.

Those New Year’s resolutions, made in happy, unencumbered times when our minds, provoked by our resurgent inner voices, are free to explore without limitations, suddenly become impractical, unrealistic and even burdensome as we get back to navigating the challenges of surviving life in what we often ironically refer to as the ‘real world’!

Does what I have said ring a bell with you?

If so, the great news is that things don’t have to be like that.

The key to lasting change

The key to bringing about real, lasting change in your life is to stay motivated, focused and committed to what you set out to achieve.

Let’s face it, ‘club rat race’, if I can use that term, is sustained by the sheer number of its members.

The last thing it wants is a member that is motivated, focused and committed to any project that will ultimately result in their exit!

It will dangle the prospect of lifetime membership by deliberately demotivating you, distracting you and breaking your resolve.

From a pellet gun to the heavy artillery

So you need to bring out the ‘big guns’ if you are to ensure that you have more than just a fighting chance of achieving the change you so badly desire.

As we know so well in the life coaching business, a New Year’s resolution is, to continue the analogy, the equivalent of a pellet gun. Such pops of inspiration generally lack substance, specifics, proper time horizons and measurability and are seldom free of dependency on other people or circumstances.

In the life coaching world, a truly from-the-heart inspiration that is properly crafted and formulated into a powerful goal and realistic action plan is the ‘heavy artillery’ that you need to invoke to set you on the path to personal freedom.

A word from the sponsors 🙂

New Insights trained life coaches are equipped with exactly the tools and techniques that are required to help you set and then get the goal of your dreams.

This year is racing to a close and a window of opportunity is about to open for all who wish to bring about substantial and meaningful change in their lives.

If that includes you, then think carefully about how you use it.

The time has come …

10 thoughts on “The Time Has Come to Think of Many Things”

  1. Bill, Its time for me to put my plan into place for 2019. Whilst I still have some work coaching for an employer the next stage is to focus on being fully employed in my own business, coaching , writing and speaking. My goal is to build it up over the next year and leave, now if that happens sooner as a result them BINGO as they say.

  2. Charmaine Nortje

    A very powerful message to bring in the new year when real resolutions will become a reality and with it bring a wonderful sense of accomplishment and self worth. So looking forward to continue on the path of having the honor to walk this walk with people

  3. The most profound statement in this blog is, ” The key to bringing about lasting change in your life is to stay motivated, focused and committed to what you set out to achieve.” The ability to keep on keeping on, with one’s eyes fixed steadfastly on the benefits of the change for which one is striving, even when one does not FEEL like it, will distinguish those who are successful from those who are not. Perseverance is the key to accomplishment not talent or intelligence. May this window of opportunity to think and talk to others result in many more people exploring the benefits of coaching.

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