Thoroughly Amazing You

Home » Thoroughly Amazing You

In this, the final Blog post for 2020, I would like to pay tribute to you!

I admit, the chances are that I know little to nothing about you, unless you are in training or have qualified as a certified life coach with New Insights.

Nevertheless, I still feel a strong emotional connection with people like you who are loyal readers of this blog. Without you, writing this would be a pointless exercise.

And I’ve been posting in Life Coaching Insights regularly now, for nine years, and I spent another four years writing weekly articles in the Insights Newsletter that preceded this blog.

What defines us?

From a personal and business perspective, 2020 has been the toughest year ever.

In saying this, I fully recognise that I may be speaking for a great many readers, including you too!

Yes, its been really challenging. But I have to remind myself of a very important message – one we are at pains to impart in our life coach training programme:

What truly defines a person is not how well they surf calm waters in tailwind conditions, but rather how they withstand the stormy waters and headwinds that will, inevitably, come their way.


The highest human needs

Growth and personal development is one of the two highest human needs, and it cannot be achieved without an environment that presents us with challenges.

Challenges cannot be overcome without change. Change requires courage, creativity, fortitude and resolve.


The irony of tough times

So, whereas tough times can bring forth emotions of uncertainty, fear, confusion, disappointment and disillusionment, it is ironic that they also create conditions that can bring out the very best in us.


Watching the curtain come down

We are all watching the curtain slowly descending on what has been a momentously challenging year.

Some of us will breathe a sigh of relief, some will be angry about personal and/or business loss, some will agonise over the retreat of ’normality’, some will hope this was all just a bad dream and some will throw their hands up and soldier on.


Step back and feel gratitude

No matter how emotionally battered you may feel as you look back at 2020, I believe it is worth stepping back for a moment. There is still much to give thanks and express gratitude for.

You and I are still very much here – we have survived – and, in most cases, though it may not be immediately evident, we are internally stronger and more resilient.

And, most importantly, we are, in all likelihood, more focused on what it is that is really important in our lives.


From survive to thrive

I salute you as an amazing individual. I admire your tenacity and I wish for you to shift gears from ‘survive’ into ‘thrive’ as we move in to 2021.

If you would like to join New Insights in its mission to empower people from all walks of life to experience greater personal freedom, self confidence and growth, then I invite you to consider enrolling with us as a trainee life coach.

Not only will this very special journey transform your life but it will equip you to enjoy a career that focuses on transforming the lives of many others.

And, by the way, contribution, or giving back, is the second of the two highest human needs!


Inspiring stories

Hop over to our Facebook page and take a look at the inspiring stories that some of our qualified coaches have to share about their own journeys.


‘See’ you next year

That’s it from me for now. Please keep a look out for the next edition of Life Coaching Insights early in the New Year.

Until then, enjoy a safe, peaceful and thoroughly restorative Christmas or holiday break!

11 thoughts on “Thoroughly Amazing You”

  1. Thank you so much Bill, I am feeling really good and much more appreciated. Thank you very much. I am wishing you all the best. Peace; love and best wishes and prosperous happy new year.

  2. Thank you so much Bill, you’ve really summed it all up in such a beautiful way, bringing back those sad moments but also allowing us to reflect on them , learn , heal and soldier on.

    May you stay abundantly blessed, having the most wonderful Xmas and a prosperous New year with your entire family.

  3. Thank you so much Bill.I know that sometimes we don’t do right in life but listening to you every time makes me get the better revelation of things and look towards them on a different perspective.Your articles has tought me so many things,now I know ?.

  4. Thanks Bill for the inspiring topic,you have been a pillar for the whole years,When I just heard about the pandemic and the lockdown I decide to take a chance to register with New insight a get a course from then I enjoyed every topic from the course material am now so confident and I feel a sage of wanting to help others,

    Thanks so much till next year.

  5. This year has been a true blessing for me in terms of personal development, I have learned so much and I don’t think I would have done it without the pandemic. There is always something good in every bad situation and viceversa.

  6. Thank you for this affirming message, Bill. May we all feel grateful for the gift of life and use our strengths to learn, grow and contribute to creating a more peaceful, empowering and invigorating attitude towards ourselves and others. May we work hard to heal the planet that we have destroyed in our pursuit of what we thought would bring us happiness. The key to lasting happiness is inner peace. To access that peace, one need only spend time in reflection, mindfulness and meditation. The pandemic has taught us a painful lesson. We are not in control as we so naively thought. It’s time to shift our focus. New Insights is a treasure waiting to be discovered. Don’t wait a moment longer…

    1. Wonderful reflections as always Karen 🙂

      Thank you for being a loyal reader and contributor to this Blog throughout 2020!

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