What’s the Point?

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Do you ever allow yourself the luxury of reflecting on the whole point of life and living?

Perhaps that may sound like an odd question.

After all, surely everyone reflects on this at some point?

Actually, I’d wager a substantial bet that for a surprising number of people, such contemplation happens rarely, if at all.

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Let’s face it. Life is chock-full of distractions.

Our world, today, offers a greater level of interconnectedness than ever before. But the quality of that interconnectedness leaves a great deal to be desired.

We can tap into news and social media at the click of a button and see the whole world on display.

Mainstream news media, programmed to believe that bad news sells best, scramble to dish it up on our screens, 24/7.

On the social media front, people with big egos, living to impress others, metaphorically scream “Look at me!” as they jostle for the attention of bigger and bigger audiences. Their content is often frivolous but designed to tempt, shock, titillate and thereby promote sharing.

Transfix our focus

The sheer scale of the information that is so readily available is quite mind-numbing. The intensity of competition for our attention, including commercial interests that promote compelling, yet misleading claims of a ’quick fix’ for all our needs and ills – is fierce.

And, all in all, this has served to transfix our focus.

Sadly, for many, the external world is exactly where they want that focus to remain transfixed.


Avoiding discomfort

Because by retaining your focus on others and other things, you conveniently avoid the discomfort of focusing within, and having to confront the really important issues and questions that define you …

Questions like:

“Who am I really?”
“What is the purpose of life?” and
“What is my purpose in it?

This tunnel vision focus on the external world has given rise to a self-centred, ego-driven focus on how others perceive of us, at the expense of a healthy focus on how we perceive of ourselves, our place in the world, and our contribution to its development.

The ‘Heads Down’ culture

In a recent post, titled ‘Heads Up: Great New Life Loading’ I wrote about the ‘heads down’ culture that we are breeding.

This is a focus on the external world and what it can do to polish our egos, entertain us, keep us busy, and ultimately, distract us.

Time to lift our heads

I believe it is becoming increasingly important to take time out from all the distractions, lift our heads and contemplate the awesome beauty of this planet, the spectacular nature of our universe and the mystery of life.

By doing so, we start the process of learning to connect with our inner beings and question who we are, why we are here and how we can reward the giver of our gift of life with our own small yet unique contribution to its evolution.

We all have a Gift

At New Insights, we believe every single one of us arrived in this world with a special talent or Gift; one specifically designed for the purpose of contributing to a better world.

Discovering that Gift and using it to contribute to the evolution of our world, is the very reason for life and living.

The whole point

Not only that, but it’s the way to living with joy, fulfilment and inner peace.

Now, that’s the whole point!

8 thoughts on “What’s the Point?”

  1. Thank you Bill, this is empowering. Social media has too much distraction to an extent that most people no longer pay attention to their physical wellbeing, mindfulness/meditation and try new activities. I see this in my family. It is sad to see them drained due to social media and fake negative news.

  2. The questions of paramount importance of knowing your identity, acknowledging your source and your contribution to the grand picture of life!

  3. Thank you, Bill, for choosing to write on a topic without which our lives are meaningless and directionless – the Japanese call it, “ikigai” – “a reason for being.” When one engages with this theme in Session 12 of the New Insights Life Coaching Program, the whole dynamic changes. When we choose to do things differently, the quality of our lives is greatly enhanced. Let us continue to spread the message about the benefits of coaching, especially when one discovers a sense of purpose which adds depth, meaning and indescribable joy to one’s life

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