Make that Change

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Laura Gray is a trainee life coach with New Insights in the UK and one with a very special talent.

Laura\’s passion for helping to bring about positive change in the lives of others is uniquely showcased in this wonderful poem that she wrote asking for offers of money and support to make a change in the lives of a group of underprivileged kids in South Africa, through the performing arts.

Please read Laura\’s powerful message and appeal. If you feel you can help in any way, no matter how small or big, please add a comment below to connect with Laura.

Your contribution could just be the difference that makes that change happen!

[box type=\”shadow\”]“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”

― Mahatma Gandhi[/box]

Make that Change

By Laura Gray

Hello to you all
My name is Laura Gray
I’m an artist and a trainee coach
With an exciting plan that’s underway


I ask that you please take
Five minutes of your time
To listen to my story
And this future plan of mine


Just over two years ago
I made my self a list
Filled with ambitions and goals
And things for which I wished


I’ve been really successful
Achieving one goal at a time
Now just one thing remains
On that golden list of mine


I once visited South Africa
Where I left part of my heart
With many beautiful children
Whose lives were torn apart


It pained me to see their worlds
Where at such an early age
these children had been victims
of dark and disturbing days


Many of them never loved
And many of them abused
No trust for other humans
Lives with nothing left to lose


Whilst being there I saw
that in the orphanages they strive
To put structure and positivity
Back in to those children\’s lives


One day they came to watch
our Michael Jackson show on stage
I watched their troubles drift away
As their minds became engaged


Their eyes began to sparkle
And their faces lit up with smiles
The inspiration filled them
And they felt happy for a while


The orphanage leader told me
They love every Jackson song
That all the kids will dance around
To his music all day long


I promised that lady to return
To that orphanage one day
To work along side those children
In a creative and positive way


So performing arts workshops
Is what I want to provide
To offer these children
A little meaning in their lives


To give them a vision and
Show how the performing arts
Can extract them from their bubbles
And put happiness in their hearts


Let them express hidden emotions,
Build confidence and self esteem
Create passion and open doors
To a place where they can dream


All this can be theirs
If I am granted my wish
If I can make complete
That last tick on my list


That wish is my own charity
It\’s called \”Make that Change\”
Inspired by Michael Jackson
And the messages he exchanged


I have west end professionals ready
And many others in training too
To go and teach performing arts
And bring Africa something new


For us it’s a chance to travel
To see and experience new things
Time to give back, to Make a Change
In the lives these children live


But the main thing that it brings
Is opportunity to these kids
A sense of joy to their childhoods
Whilst living in an orphanage


If they start to learn to trust
That every few months we’ll come back
They’ll have something on which to focus
And no reason to look back


So it’s giving to charity
But in another form
Not a product but a service
Teaching kids to perform


Now here\’s the rather hard part
I can\’t make this happen alone
As right now I don\’t have the money
To create this on my own


There’s flights and accommodation
Food and expenses to be paid
So I’m looking for willing sponsors
To contribute in any way


I’ve already developed a schedule
For a first trip to take place
By a group of at least ten artists
In September for 14 days


Vital funds are all I need now
I just feel we are so near
To bringing a little magic
To those kids I hold so dear


One day I hope to be able
To sustain this by my self
But I\’m currently just waiting
upon that wave of wealth 🙂


For now I really need your help
To fund Make that Change
and for your generosity
I’ll make you an exchange


I’m sure many of you give a lot,
But how often do you see
Exactly what your money buys
When donating to charity?


Well I would write daily blogs
And record lots of footage too
Then make it my job to share
The amazing experience with you


You will see it yourself
With your very own eyes
As we Make a Change
In these young children\’s lives


My desire to do this
Has been growing by the day
I just had to put it out there
And see what people say


I figured if I did not try
Then I would never know
That\’s how life works right?
Take risks, give things a go?


I made a vision board last week
For this wonderful plan of mine
All I ask of you please
Is to take a moment of your time


Please think about what I\’m asking
Picture the vision that I see
I am waiting with excitement
For you to contact me


I thank you for your time
And I thank you in advance
For supporting my idea
And for giving this a chance


I have resolved to make this work
I just trust you’ll come aboard
On an inspirational journey
With incredible reward


With your help
I can
You can
We can
The children of Africa can
Make that Change


We all have so much to gain 🙂

24 thoughts on “Make that Change”

  1. Carole Lapinsky

    Hi Laura,

    What a spirit, and amazing talent. Your poem reduced me to tears. I wish you well with your project. May I pass your email onto another friend of mine (not a Life Coach) who is involved locally in simalar work? Who knows, she may be in a position to give you couple of pointers or a contact or two. We live in Durban South Africa.



  2. Natalie Kirby

    Wow Laura that poem was so moving and very inspirational. Using your skills to help others in such a profound way is something I aspire to amd hope to achieve with becoming a life coach. I also taught dance to underprivileged kids in the UK and I know how fulfilling and rewarding it is. I now live in Capetown and can see how your project could make such an impact so happy to make a donation albeit small but will hopefully be a small step along your path to success. Look forward to seeing your website link posted.

    1. Thank you so much Natalie, without the small steps i would never make the destination so Thank you. The work you did in the UK sounds amazing, I cant wait to get started on hopefully making that same impact over in cape town 🙂

      Kind Regards

  3. Hello Laura, amazing what a passion you have and i would like to help in any way I can. I worked in SA in 2004/2006 and because of my experiences I was inspired to take up coaching. I then returned to the UK and signed up with Neal Asher [New Insights] got my accreditation and then went to the US to learn motivational speaking with Les Brown.
    any way what is so amazing is that I just recorded a motivational track called “Embrace that change” now I wonder if it would be useful to you in helping to promoting your project as it is about a real person
    and a South African who embraced change and succeeded.

    I believe it could inspire some of the young people. Please let me know if you think it would help you. I have also contributed to an orphanage in SA called Amazing Grace. Warm regards
    Van. 07714761721

    1. Hi Van
      Thank you for your message and thank you so much for sharing your track with me, its great 🙂
      I am currently working on a page for make that change so maybe I could get a link put on there.


      is my email.
      Thanks again

      Kind Regards

  4. Renaté Swartz

    Hi Laura, what a beautiful, inspiring appeal in the form of a well thought and passionate poem. I was particularly curious about the ‘change’ you want to bring about as I am embarking on a journey of change. Don’t know exactly what and how, but definately to enrich others. My passion is the arts on any level, especially when it involves and enriches children. Please keep me updated on your vision. I work at a primary school in Athlone, Cape Town and it would be great to involve our learners as well in working with the underprivileged. I also do photography on a part-time basis and would love to capture your message of change and the artists performances….
    Thanks for the inspiration

    1. Hi Renate
      Thank you very much for your comment, may I begin by apologising for the late reply, for some reason the earlier comments never showed up on my computer only the ones which I replied to below, I have no idea what happened there so please except my apologies.
      Wow that sounds amazing, I will most definitely keep you posted on our plans for our visit to cape town. My email is


      if you would like to contact me personally with a personal contact for yourself.

      Kind Regards

  5. James Lizamore

    Awesome stuff!! The poem is moving and thought provoking – and inspiring. This is what coaching, goals and meeting needs is all about.

    I work as an Academic Manager for a private tertiary institution in Cape Town and our SRC and community engagement activities on campus revolve around performing arts, where the students use their talents to raise funds for charities we support. I would like to know about Laura’s work as we would love to partner with her and get our students involved in raising funds, but also being able to host and help with the project when it takes off.

    1. Hi James
      Thank you for your message, wow your work sounds amazing. I would love to speak some more with you about your work and what it involves. If you would like to contact me personally my email is


      . Alternatively if you have somewhere I can contact you directly that would be much appreciated
      Look forward to speaking to you soon

      Thanks again
      Kind Regards

  6. Anthea Mesias

    Absolutely amazing! Bill I am involved with an NPO here in Cape Town that takes the performing arts into our local underprivileged schools in the Western Cape called Project 021 with very much a similar vision and mission as Laura has. I have contacted the guy in charge to ask if this project is something Project 021 could assist with or certainly form some sort of partnership with to assist these guys to get here to do their thing…so I am waiting on a response from him and would request how we would get into contact with Laura Gray. I’m not sure what kind of assistance etc, but I guess it is something they could discuss in greater detail.

    Thanks for the post!

      1. Thank you so much Anthea, I have already contacted David Cornelson and I’m excited for his response.
        This sounds brilliant. I see project 021 has a very similar vision to me which is great.
        I’m very excited for our future plans 🙂
        Thanks again

        Kind Regards
        Laura Gray

    1. Many thanks Anthea. I think Laura works during the day so may only respond to your kind offer later today. This sounds exciting!

  7. Beautiful and inspiring…it is our responsibility and priviledge as adults and parents to inspire “our” children and in Michael Jackson’s words – ” to teach them well and let them lead the way ” Thank you Laura for sharing this moving poem with us and let’s all make a difference where we can, no matter how small or big.

    1. Hi Yolande
      I couldn’t agree more.
      Thank you for taking your time to read.

      Kind Regards
      Laura Gray

    1. Hi Theresa
      Thank you so much for your interest.
      I am just putting a few last bits and pieces together for my page and then I will post the link on here 🙂

      Thanks again
      Kind Regards
      Laura Gray

      1. Martin Edwards

        Laura, there is just no way i cannot respond to such a moving and true poem, thank you. Will await your link for donations etc.

        1. Thank you very much Martin, I am currently having a few hold ups with my page but nothing I can’t sort I’m sure, so as soon as I have further details I will post.
          Thanks again

          Kind Regards

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