Assessing Your Personal Impact on Our World

Home » Assessing Your Personal Impact on Our World

Have you ever taken time out to conduct an assessment of the nature and scale of the personal impact your life is having on our world?

I suggest that the world might be a far better place if all of us were called on to do this from time to time.

For most of us, who seemingly spend our lives just trying to get by, the thought of such a challenge might seem a little scary at first. But such introspection could just bring more a great deal more direction and fulfilment to our lives.

“When you love people and have the desire to make a profound, positive impact upon the world, then you will have accomplished the meaning to live.”

– Sasha Azevedo (American actress)


The meaning of life

Before we look at the how, let’s contemplate the why.

The great majority of people would surely agree that there is a grand plan … an overall meaning of life, even if we don’t yet fully understand or appreciate what that is.

You may choose to believe that life is about serving a loving God or higher power, promoting the evolution of the universe, contributing to the growth and development of our species, or simply about ‘doing good’ in the world.

Increasing overall happiness

Whatever your take on the meaning of life, my guess is that you could align around a simple concept like this:

We have a responsibility to increase the overall happiness of the collective of sentient beings (all life forms capable of experiencing feelings) on this planet.

And that’s the simple measure by which I suggest we should each assess our own lives.

Does the work we do and the way we live our life contribute to an overall improvement or deterioration in general happiness? To what extent? How can we improve on this?

Special gifts and a unique purpose

At New Insights, we believe that each and every person is endowed with a special gift or gifts which they can put to work in serving this overall objective. So each individual has a unique purpose to use their gift to contribute to the general state of happiness.

For example, some may channel their energy into uplifting others, some work to improve the life of animals, some are environmental campaigners, others pioneer wonderful empowering new technologies.

Assessing your life

Take a few minutes to consider the various areas of your own life as objectively as you can.

How strongly do your activities ultimately contribute to, or detract from, the happiness of others and other life forms? No doubt, if you are honest, there will be some of both – but try to come up with an overall assessment.

In general, do your activities have a small or large scale of impact in terms of the number of sentient beings affected?

Hero, villain or ?

If you have the courage, try to plot where your life ranks in terms of the chart below.


happiness impact assessment

Are you a happiness hero, a happiness constructor, a happiness destroyer or, heaven forbid, a happiness villain?

The point of this – very personal – exercise is neither to expose you, nor put your name up in lights.

It’s to encourage you to take a step back from your day to day life and really think about whether the path you are following and what you are doing is helping you contribute as effectively as you can to a happier world.

It starts with you

Many people mistakenly believe that making others happier can only come through sacrificing their own happiness. In fact, exactly the opposite is generally the case.

The happier and more fulfilled you are, the more effective you will be in delivering your contribution to the overall objective of greater happiness for all.

Uplifting our world starts with you. If the impact you believe you are having falls short of what you would like it to be, then a great place to start is to look within and establish what it would take to improve your own level of authentic happiness.

Help is at hand

And there is no better way to improve your own happiness and contribution than with the help of a great life coach!

12 thoughts on “Assessing Your Personal Impact on Our World”

  1. Andre du Plessis

    Hi Bill
    Very insightful blog. I am just starting my journey to become a Life Couch and I can already see what a change it has made in my life and the people around me. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Brilliant blog as usual Bill! I actually think the 6 human needs session covers this subject quite well in the NI program. Especially if clients have to review every life area and assess where they contribute beneficially to themselves and others and where not and then identify needs that need to be fulfilled in every area to do just that and to show clients how they can do this themselves by taking responsibility for their whole life in every area.

    My parents taught me to start making a positive difference in this life you must always love the person/people physically present as much as you love yourself. These are your neighbours in the Biblical sense. If you truly imagine yourself in their shoes and empathize with them you can then identify what their needs are and address it. Small contributions but if everybody does this it can change the world.

  3. Thanks for another great article Bill!
    My own Coach during my certification training with New Insights, Lyn Smith, shared with me and helped me appreciate that we grow and contribute more effectively when we come from a place of abundance vs. a place of lack. This resonates entirely with what you are saying too and I particularly appreciate the concept/exercise around contemplating our place on the ‘Happiness Chart’ in your article. A brilliant tool I can definitely imagine used in a coaching session and/or as a reflection tool for ourselves and our clients.

  4. Thanks, Bill. Important insights and a gentle reminder that coaching can continue to make a difference for those who remain open (in mind, heart and will) to explore and embrace a life of greater meaning, purpose, and significance. I’m taking the liberty of sharing this blog on my Eagle Coaching facebook page.

  5. A truly inspiring piece of writing, Bill. You have captured the essence of a purpose driven life so accurately and emphasized the pivotal role that coaching plays in revealing this truth. I would never have discovered my true purpose without partnering with a coach and for that I shall be eternally grateful.

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