Happy New Year 2024

Home » Happy New Year 2024

A very happy 2024 to all readers!

May this be the year that marks the start of your biggest dreams coming true!

We’d like to kick off the new year in simple fashion, by looking back on another successful year of training in 2023.

As a tribute to all those wonderful people who qualified as New Insights certified life coaches during the course of 2023.

The tribute video shown below, will take pride of place on the Testmonials pages of our main websites for the remainder of 2024.

Perhaps YOU are considering training with us to become a well respected life coach and to make a career from pursuing life-changing work, thereby making this challenging world a little better?

If so, my hope is that the video will inspire you to get started on the journey with us very soon.

We’d love to have the privilege of featuring you, in twelve month’s time, in our 2024 tribute video!

Let’s make 2024 a great year all round!

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Most of what is written about in this Blog derives, or is extracted from, the widely acclaimed and internationally accredited New Insights Life Coach Training and Certification Programme.

If you have an interest in broadening your life skills and training to become a life coach, please visit our main website. Navigate from Become a Life Coach in the menu bar.

2 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2024”

  1. I always get excited with new souls joining the New Insights family. Well done and welcome to this family

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