It’s Your Choice!

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Thanks go to Lindo Morolong, one of our trainee life coaches based in Botswana, who provided the inspiration for this week\’s post. Lindo queried a comment on the subject of choice made in one of our skills training manuals and  forwarded me an interesting article he had written about making choices, for an online magazine.

His article stirred my interest and prompted me to write on the subject.

[box type=\”shadow\”]“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”

― J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)[/box]

A central theme

The issue of personal choice is a central theme in life coaching.

The truth is that we are faced with choices all the time and it is the very choices we make that determine what we achieve, who we become, and the kinds of lives we lead.

Fabulous gifts

We come into this life bearing two fabulous gifts – an open mind and a free will.

From day one we start to make choices about what it is we value, what it is we believe in and what it is we will do with our lives.

Shaping our choices

Of course nobody operates in a vacuum. There are many powerful forces that influence and shape our choices.

Our upbringing and education, our environment, the events and outcomes that we experience through life, and even our own creative imaginations all play an important role in determining how we perceive of our outside world and the role we should or should not play in it.

Because we have a free will we can also choose the extent to which we wish to retain an open mind.

An open mind

An open mind is critical for those who desire to pioneer, invent, discover and create new things and approaches – but it requires one to accept and even embrace the concept of constant change, renewal and transformation.

For many this can be a fearful thing because it opens one up to dealing with the uncertain and the unknown as well as to the prospect that the way we perceive things now – and even who we believe we are right now – may change.

In short, it requires both courage and the flexibility to adapt in the face of new knowledge, information and emotions.

Easier choices

An easier choice is to fixate ourselves on a set of values and beliefs and a concept of the world with which we feel comfortable, then to \’close our minds\’ to anything that does not meet the rules we set for conformance with those values, beliefs and our general perception of the world.

An even easier choice is to abrogate responsibility for choice. In other words, as Lindo would say, \’to choose not to make a choice\’.

There are many in the world who eschew their right to exercise their free will to make a choice, either due to fear of the consequences of making the wrong choice or due to a weak or conflicted set of values and beliefs.

Ceding our power

When we fail to exercise choice, we cede our power to shape, or at least influence, our future. In doing so we are left with no choice but to  accept that our future will be determined wholly by the environment or those around us.

If you leave your future in the hands of your environment or society in general, is it fair to expect to experience anything better than a pretty rocky ride?

That\’s why so many talk of life being unfair, even cruel.

A truly amazing experience

Life is certainly challenging. It is so because it is only through facing challenge that we grow. But through making deliberate, conscious choices and learning from the consequences of those choices we can turn life into the truly amazing and rewarding experience it was meant to be.

It\’s your choice

The precious gifts you were endowed with are worth far more than you may care to realise. They deserve to be unwrapped, explored and used to their full potential.

But whether you do so or not is entirely your choice!


12 thoughts on “It’s Your Choice!”

  1. Pingback: Whose Life is it Anyway |

  2. Yes, I agree with what you write.

    We are always producing results in life, both good and bad. The results rest on what we decide to do or not do. If we allow our lives to “go with the flow”, the results will always be haphazard and unpredictable. It is a wonderful gift to be able to choose our thoughts, our actions and thereby our outcomes. It is an equally great responsibility to make sure we not only reach for, but achieve our dreams. We should never allow life to slip by.

    Thanks for your post. All the best.

  3. Nice article

    I also would like to strongly believe that we are what we are today because of the choices we made previously. More, so it is very important to make the best choice at the beginning of every challenge we face in life

  4. Lindo Morolong

    I appreciate the deeper insight shared in her. We never should forget we are products of our choices, I am today the result of the choices I made yesterday. You just opened my mind to other areas of the subject, Ultimate Coach Bill.

  5. Great article Bill, I loved this line:

    When we fail to exercise choice, we cede our power to shape, or at least influence, our future

    Very wise


  6. The most powerful 7 words in this piece are: “…learning from the consequences of those choices…”. The willingness to learn from these consequences, will enable one to make a wise decision, when faced with a choice, and thus move closer to becoming an enlightened human being. And let us not forget, that with freedom of choice, comes its companion, responsibility.

  7. Geoff Feldon

    I choose to read this and I am glad I did. Thanks Bill for a great article and it is so true and something, as coaches, we need to be very aware of and embrace.

    I choose to become a Life Coach and I sincerely hope that I will help others to make the right choices in their lives.

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