Make the Impossible Possible

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“I was stuck in a job that I hated. It was boring and exhausting. But it was paying the bills, so I couldn’t see any way out. I had virtually resigned myself to just hoping for better days.”

Shayla (a real person, but not her real name) could have been speaking for a great many people who find themselves ‘trapped’ in mundane jobs that they find unfulfilling.

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Something different

But Shayla did something that most in similar situations either never think of doing, or think they can’t afford to do.

She hired a life coach – and one trained and licensed to use the New Insights Life Coaching System.

This is Shayla’s story (sent to me on condition of anonymity):

Tired and irritable

“I would go home at night tired, irritable and resentful at having to sell my soul to augment my husband’s modest income just so we could afford a roof over our heads.

I’m ashamed to say that I would frequently take my frustration out on him by giving him the cold shoulder and calling him horrible names, like ‘weak’, ‘useless’ and ‘lacking ambition’, all of which I now realise were just a projection of my own issues.

Everything changed

Then, one day, everything changed.

I got given a small share in a team bonus, awarded for achieving a specific target. It was a nice surprise and I’ll never forget what my supervisor said to us when she informed us:

Promise me you won’t spend it on anything mundane like groceries or petrol, or school fees. Promise me that you’ll use it to treat yourself to something you wouldn’t normally buy or do.

Can money buy happiness?

I lay awake that night thinking about how I could treat myself without feeling guilty. I wondered if I could somehow use my little windfall to make me a better, happier person?

Then I suddenly remembered a recent discussion on the topic of life coaching, hosted by a radio talk show.

What the heck? I thought. I have nothing to lose other than the bonus that I wasn’t expecting anyway. I’m going to give it a try.

OMG – am I pleased that I did!

Tools, motivation and inspiration

To cut a long story very short Arnie (a real New Insights trained life coach, but not his real name) gave me the tools, motivation, inspiration and support that turned my life around and inside out.

In one of our early sessions, Arnie helped me to set a goal. I had this dream to start my own successful business and he helped me visualise it and then write it up in a way that surprised me for my own creativity.

I lied

Arnie asked me to rate how excited the goal made me feel.

I gave it 8 out of 10, deducting two points for all my nervous anxiety!

Then he asked me to rate the degree of belief I felt about being able to achieve it.

I lied, saying another 8 out of 10.

In truth, I thought it would be near impossible but I really didn’t want to disappoint Arnie!

Like having a massage … not!

In fact, I went home thinking: That’s like having a massage. It feels so good afterwards but that feeling will soon wear off as I get back to the real world.’

Somehow, though, it didn’t.

This was a very different experience. I found myself drawing inspiration from my coach’s obvious belief in me and replaying his comforting words and the pearls of wisdom from our sessions.

I don’t want to over-dramatize things, if there is such a word, but during the course of the following six months, I completely changed as a person … and for the (much) better.

Blew my mind

Arnie explained that the process we were following derived from the INSIGHTS coaching model, which involves deep introspection to get in touch with my inner power by surfacing my beliefs, value system, and habitual thoughts and behaviours – and then to work on bringing the various stars into alignment to work in my favour.

If that wasn’t powerful enough, the final sessions really blew my mind!

Arnie helped me reflect on, and make sense of everything we had done, by getting me to do an exercise aimed at making me think about my purpose in life.

If I am honest, I had never before done an exercise remotely like this. It unearthed some amazing revelations and served to put everything about the coaching into context for me.

Making the impossible possible

I have thanked my truly amazing coach from my heart. And now I want to thank New Insights for designing this life-changing coaching system.

Together you have helped me to put meaning back into my life, a spark back into my marriage, and a vision of a wonderful future back into my thoughts!

What can I say? I’m stoked. I’ve been able to make the impossible possible or … perhaps more accurately … reality!

Love, blessings and ongoing insights,


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Most of what is written about in this Blog derives, or is extracted from, the widely acclaimed and internationally accredited New Insights Life Coach Training and Certification Programme.

Have you considered training to become a life coach? If so we invite you to visit our main website. Start by visiting Become a Life Coach in the menu bar of this website.

10 thoughts on “Make the Impossible Possible”

  1. Phuti Lekgwathi

    Very empowering. I strongly believe i will be one those life coaches “making the impossible possible”. Thank you Bill.

  2. This was worth two reads! Thank you for sharing your wonderful and inspiring journey! Coaching is a magnificent place to be positioned in working alongside people as they discover their purpose – they then go forward and make a difference everywhere. There is just something beautiful about this career.

  3. What an inspiring story. Thank you, Bill. I can identify so strongly with it and so could several of my clients. Discovering one’s true purpose, is one of the greatest experiences. When we follow through by changing our careers, we open up a whole new world for ourselves and those with whom we come into contact, especially if one chooses to become a life coach.

  4. Duncan Simmons

    Everything in life comes with a price or cost. For me the decision to sign up with a life coach (and ultimately become a life coach myself) was an ‘investment’ in me. Changing the word ‘cost’ removed the barrier of affordability – after all I was regularly spending similar amounts on one-off rewards such as eating out or new clothes, etc. A slight adjustment to my spending pattern allowed the investment in me to occur.

    That investment was one of the best I’ve made and truly changed by life journey.

    For those who are still hesitant then this is your nudge to make that call or send that email to explore the investment and make the impossible possible.

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