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Time seems like it is feeding on steroids lately. I remember back to my youth when two weeks seemed like an age. Now it seems more like a heartbeat!

I had to double-check the date of my last post as I could have sworn that only one week had passed since the last, not two!

And then it struck me that, as we hurtle towards the end of another tumultuous year, this may very well be the last post for 2023. I’m guessing that in two weeks from now, only the most loyal of readers will have any interest in what I have to say!

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As you begin to contemplate the idea of winding down and, hopefully, start to eye a short, yet well-deserved window of rest and reflection, I want to leave you with some advice.

The best advice and the most frustrating

In my opinion, this simple advice ranks as the very best piece of advice anyone could ask for. Ironically though, many will also consider it the most frustrating!

To demonstrate my sincerity here, I feel duty-bound to share something with you that some may regard as somewhat embarrassing:

Frankly speaking

I regularly speak to myself.

“OK,” you may be thinking, “Nothing embarrassing about that, I do it a lot of the time!”

Well, yes, but does the part of you you speak with go by another name?

You see, in my case this is Frank.

You might be tempted to think that I have an alter ego, and to a certain extent that is true. The difference is that I am well aware that Frank and I are one and the same personality.

Losing the plot?

Now, it’s been a long year with many unique challenges, so you can be forgiven for thinking that I may be losing the plot. After all, that possibility enters my own head from time to time!

But I assure you I am writing this in an uncompromised mental state! Let me introduce you to Frank and explain what he has to do with the best piece of advice I have to offer you.

The Inner Being

Frank is the name I chose to give my Inner Being.

One’s Inner Being is neither male nor female but the name, Frank, works for me because it implies openness, simplicity and strength – characteristics I associate with the Inner Being.

But what exactly is this “Inner Being”?

Inspiration from the Internet

I struggled to put it succinctly into words so I searched the Internet for inspiration.

And I found it in two articles.

The first was written by Christina Cherry, and published on Linkedin. Christina writes:

“The Inner Being is the life force of humans – a consciousness that has no physical form. It is our core spiritual nature, our inner self.”

The second article, was written by Arlin Cuncic and published on Cuncic who uses the term ‘inner self’ wrote:

“The Inner Self is the subconscious repository of your thoughts, memories, emotions, and other aspects of your mind that make up who you are. It’s the private, internal part of yourself you generally do not share with others—the core of your being.”

Everything we are at a deep level

In the New Insights Life Coach Training & Certification Programme, we talk about the inner being – a lot!

That’s because it is the repository of everything we are, at a deep level. It holds the answers to critical questions like “Why am I here?”, “What is my purpose in life?”, and “What is the best course of action for me to take?”

‘Problem-Reaction’ mode

It is true for the great majority of humans, that our lives are dominated by coping with the demands of an unpredictable external world.

Most react and respond in order to survive and live as best they can. Others find ways to adapt, that allow them to go beyond survival and ensure a relatively comfortable life.

Their methodology is, however, the same. Take what the external world throws at you and react to the problems or challenges in the best way you know how.

‘Deliberate Creation’ mode

Most of us are so programmed to believe that there is no way out of problem-reaction mode that we spend little or no time exploring the alternative, which is to enter what I call ‘deliberate creation’ mode.

Deliberate creators are those who are intimately connected with their inner beings.

They know and understand their purpose, or why they are here. They see all problems and challenges as opportunities. And they proactively design actions that will help them take advantage thereof to bring about ongoing growth and development.

Connecting with the Inner Being

When you are deeply immersed in a problem-reaction style of living, the voice of the Inner Being – your intuition – is muted. Attempts to connect with it are thwarted by the ego, that would have us believe the inner being is an illusion, or that we are one or two sandwiches short of a picnic!

Your version of Frank, is, however, very real, and is longing for you to connect, so that you may find the answers to some of your most pressing questions.

The more you speak with your Frank, the better the connection will get and the more you will come to trust your intuition and know who you really are, what you really want, and what direction to take in certain circumstances.

My best advice? Ask an expert!

No matter what issues, challenges or problems you may be facing and no matter the type of help you feel you need, the very best advice I can give you is to ask an expert.

Now, in the case of your own life, the expert is none other than you, or more specifically, your Inner Being.

So, practice connecting with your Frank.

Believe me, if you have been disconnected for a long period of your life, this can be very frustrating at first as your ego will try to convince you that you’ve entered a ‘loopy’ phase.

But don’t give up. It comes with practice and a few necessary put-downs of the ego.

The secret to a happy life

Developing a great connection with your inner being is the secret to a happy, joyful and fulfilling life!

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Most of what is written about in this Blog derives, or is extracted from, the widely acclaimed and internationally accredited New Insights Life Coach Training and Certification Programme.

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12 thoughts on “Need Help? Ask an Expert!”

  1. This is quite useful and relevant especially at this time of the year when we wind up and reflect on the year just passed. I suppose we all need to have deep conversations with our own Franks and ask relevant questions about our purpose. Wayne Dyer, in one of his books says that the door to greatness opens from inside not outside. Everyone’s greatness can be located from within and our Franks have all the answers.

  2. Thanks Bill! I think too many of us have lost connection with our inner voices in today’s fast-paced world. A great reminder on who the ultimate expert on our lives actually is.

  3. What an inspiring way in which to end off this year, Thank you, Bill. There are several significant words in this piece, one of which is, “deliberate.” Our inner being is an invaluable source of wisdom and understanding. What a useful companion it is on our journey through life.

  4. frederic Dauboin

    Great Bill thank you, even speaking with other entities (I call them angels, Laughing beings ) outside yourself. You have sometimes communication and lot of fun. Just dance with life…

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