The Power of Writing

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Perhaps you’ve dreamt of authoring a book or writing a regular blog on a subject or business that you’re really passionate about but the dream has stayed a dream because … well … the whole idea is just too scary?

“What should I write about? Am I really good enough to write? Do I have the time and energy needed? Could I write consistently without getting distracted? How would I get started? What does it take?”

These are all common questions that go through the head of an aspirant writer. And as any good life coach will know, the more self-questioning we indulge in the more likely we are to fall prey to procrastination and give in to the fear associated with our limiting beliefs.

I know, as I’ve been there. And if you have an interest in writing I’d like to help. So please be sure to read this post to the end!

“Writing is the painting of the voice.

– Voltaire


Finding inspiration

I’ve been writing blog posts now for many years. As I look back to the start of Life Coaching Insights I realise that I’ve racked up nearly 250 posts.

Sometimes I admit to wondering where the inspiration for the next post will come from … but it always comes, I think because the subjects of human motivation and life coaching are just so dear to my heart and suitably broad. 

You have a passion!

You too have a passion – whether it be about food, home economics, education, politics, sport, travel, coaching, pets, or some interesting hobby – and if you are passionate enough about something, what better way to share your passion than by writing about it? The resulting fulfilment is well worth the challenges you will need to overcome! 

Wanting to write a book … but

For many years I had wanted to write and publish a book but was held back by my perception that I didn’t have enough material to work with.

That, of course, is a classic limiting belief!

I verbalised my fear to my personal coach who gave me a wry smile followed by a mild dressing down: “Don’t be ridiculous, I don’t recall you telling me you’ve lived under a rock all your life? And by the way, how many blog posts did you say you had written already?” 

Just the awakening I needed

This push back was just the awakening I needed to break the inertia of procrastination and get into action. 

A ‘What’ for the Soul?

In the summer of 2009 I decided to act on the inspiration from my coach and write a book that combined the themes of a number of my blog posts with aspects of my own life story.

Six months later in 2010, the rather quirkily titled (South Africans will get it) ‘A Boerewors Roll for the Soul – Awaken to the life you love, was published, in the self help category, by Authorhouse. 

Speaking from our Hearts

Just last year, my wife and I were approached by my good friends Paul Lowe and Lyn Smith, to get involved in co-authoring a book, with them and twelve others about personal life transformations.

Co-authoring is an easier way to get involved in publishing as you need only write one of the many chapters that go to make up the overall book.

Paul Lowe’s creation ’Speaking from our Hearts is an inspiring read, with sixteen very different accounts of how people overcame challenges to bring about positive and lasting transformation. Proceeds from the book go to Paul and Lyn’s charitable not-for-profit organisation HEARTS (Helping Everyone Achieve Results Towards Success). 

The help I promised

Now, if you have an interest in becoming a writer, I promised some help.

In fact the help won’t come from me but from a friend of mine, who is doing some wonderful work in the writing industry right now. Her name is Dawn Purcell, and she is a writer, a writing and journaling mentor, and founder of the Soul Script writing method.

Dawn has also wrestled with the challenges of becoming a writer but now, she has reached a point where she is able to combine managing a family of five with what she calls a ‘holistic’ writing life! Writing is not only at the core of her work, but is also the foundation to the way she lives her life personally and professionally.

Dawn has made it her mission to help people, just like you perhaps, overcome self imposed obstacles and limiting beliefs to get you to the point where you can confidently say “I AM A WRITER!” 

The Power of Writing – A free event

Dawn is currently hosting her second online audio event called The Power of Writing, in which she interviews a wide range of people from across the industry.

The series already started on Monday 30th May and Dawn will be airing a different interview each day. 

Don’t delay!

I am privileged to be one of Dawn’s sixteen interviewees and her interview with me airs tomorrow, Friday 4th May.

I have a complimentary ticket for you to attend, not just on Friday, but for the entire remaining event! All of these interviews are audio, so you will be able to listen in from your home, office, or while you’re on the go!

You can register now using the link below. Please don’t procrastinate and definitely don’t delay!:

The Power of Writing Interview Series 2

10 thoughts on “The Power of Writing”

  1. Candice Tomlinson

    What a wonderful interview you had with Dawn Bill! Congrats & thanks for the continued inspiration.

  2. Dear Bill
    Thank you so much for this series of blogs that you started on writing. Having authored a book and running a blog, I’ve had challbagea building consisitancy. But I’ve read now you have put up over 250 posts, and I’m like how do you do that?
    I got the answer inside: it’s the power of compound effect, doing little things that pile up and become a great monument over time. I’m on it too.
    Thank you

  3. Natasha Diedricks

    Thanks so much for sharing this event Bill. I’ve been listening the last few days and it’s been great. I’m looking forward to your session.

  4. Hi there Bill. This post definitely ‘speaks to’ a hurdle that I still need to conquer. I have written a few blog posts but it took great effort, and motivation to actually get them done. Thank you for the introduction to Dawn’s series. I have registered and hope to overcome this hurdle soon. Looking forward to hearing your interview.

  5. Henry Arendse

    Hi Bill, I’m enjoying the series at the moment and look forward to Dawn’s interview with you today.
    I find her series of interviews most helpful and it’s really inspiring me to continue my writing at the moment.

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