Remote Possibilities

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No matter what you may think about the hyper connected world we live in today – and thanks to our media, its not hard to believe we are all going to hell in a hand basket – there\’s no doubt that the Internet, voice over IP (Skype, for example) and other modern technologies available to us have opened up opportunities that our parents could only have dreamed of.

Even though many of our governments work to impose constraints and restrictions to uphold nationalistic ideals, the truth is that there is more free exchange between world citizens now, than at any time in the past. And that trend will continue to accelerate.

What, if anything, are you doing to capitalise on this trend?

[box type=\”shadow\”]The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.

– Bill Gates[/box]

Think out of the box

In these times of worldwide economic uncertainty – and, in the case of some countries, genuine distress – it is necessary to think out of the box if you want to survive and flourish.

If you are struggling to make the most of your knowledge and skillset in the area where you live, why not try marketing your services further afield where that knowledge and skillset is in higher demand or where it can perhaps command an exchange premium?

Re-engineer your product or service

OK, so I admit that for certain lines of work, looking for opportunities outside your local area or beyond your country\’s borders may be impractical but if you take a little time to re-engineer your product or service you may be surprised to find that great opportunities open up for you.

Different place, same issues

In the field of life coaching in which I and many of my readers work, Skype – with its excellent and free connectivity – has revolutionized the industry. Coaches who were once dependent on finding clients within driving distance of their homes or places of work can now promote their services anywhere in the world where language is not a barrier.

The dreams and aspirations that people have and the obstacles they face to realising those dreams and living more joyful lives are much the same, no matter where in the world they may live!

Don\’t write off your chances

But perhaps you work in an industry where it seems you are totally dependent on interacting with clients in person? If so, don\’t write off your chances of making money remotely.

Take hairdressing for example

On the face of it, it might seem that the idea of remote working is a complete no-go! But this isn\’t necessarily true …

As a hairdresser you have knowledge and skills that many other people may want to tap into. You could write an eBook about how to become a top hairdresser, or you could build a subscription based website on which you offer insider tips on simple and easy ways to colour your hair at home.

I\’m sure you get the point.

Thinking creatively

By simply thinking creatively about how you could use your knowledge and skills in a different way, you can open up all sorts of fascinating opportunities to make money using the Internet.

With a decent website that\’s configured to accept payment from anywhere in the world (by credit card or PayPal perhaps) you have a tool that can bring in money while you are sleeping (or lying on the beach somewhere!)

And while we are talking of lying on the beach, there\’s another major advantage to be had by exploiting cyberspace.

Live somewhere special

Have you ever dreamed of living somewhere special but put it out of your head because it seemed completely impractical from a work point of view?

The Internet is rapidly removing restrictions to living and working remotely. More and more people are choosing to open businesses in thriving consumer markets while preferring to reside in more laid back, picturesque and/or warmer parts of the country – or the world.

Nothing that can\’t be overcome

Doing so can pose some interesting challenges, but nothing that can\’t be overcome with suitable creativity, determination and effort. And the rewards are immense.

So here\’s my challenge …

Take personal time-out from your usual schedule for a couple hours and give serious thought to how you could adapt what you do or how you do it in order to make yourself or your business accessible to a far wider market.

There could just be a whole new world out there for you!

13 thoughts on “Remote Possibilities”

  1. You’ve inspired me to pursue my idea of writing an eBook Bill! How does one get the public to buy an eBook though? Is it done through someone like Amazon or…..? If you could assist me with this I would be most grateful!

    1. Bill Burridge

      I’m delighted I could spark this idea. Yes Amazon is certainly an option. Depending on the nature of the book you could also consider offering it through Clickbank. But you could start by just offering it through your website!

      Good luck.

  2. Georgina Laros

    A timely article for me Bill as this is something I am currently looking into … Thank you for your constant inspiration.

    Best Wishes

  3. Di-Di Hoffman

    Hi Bill,
    Great article. And definitely something to seriously consider in your coaching business. Just take Skype for example: I decided to work with a mentor coach (Hayley Ryan) via Skype to gain some first hand experience in how the New Insights program will work via Skype. I’ve recently completed the program with her and Skype is now part and parcel of my business plan. By the way, one of the ‘surprise outcomes’ of my coaching with Hayley was that my auditory listening skills improved dramatically. I’m very much a visual person.

    1. Thanks Di-Di, coaching using Skype/telephone is surprisingly effective. It removes any possible feelings of awkwardness or minor intimidation that some clients occasionally feel in face-to-face situations!

  4. Thanks for a great article Bill. It certain does get the creative juices thinking…..brilliant example given. When you put your mind to it ..anything is possible!

  5. Wow, Bill. This is the way to go. If you don’t mind, I’d like people to see what someone did on the Internet just by Stepping into the Fear and Thinking out of the Box as you said. She did not have a clue of Internet Business let alone building a website. She is currently studying nail technology part time and also decided to get her website ready in the mean time. The name of the site is (I’m leaving spaces so the link is not posted) http://www. freezinveste. tk . It is up to ourself and the strength of our believes to stay focussed and stick to good principles. Stay kings and priests.
    Regards and blessings,

  6. Hi Bill,
    I totally agree that selling one’s skills on the internet is the way to go. Loved your article.

    1. Thanks Diana. Many feel reluctant as they believe the Internet is something they are uncomfortable with but the truth is that there is so much help available (much of it free) that no-one needs to feel that way!

  7. Great article Bill 🙂

    Particularly the hairdresser example, most people think they’re trapped in their job when the only thing that traps them is their thinking.

    Way to think outside of the box bill!


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