Stuck In a Rut?

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Life coaching is particularly effective for those people who, though mentally well and fully functional, are simply \’stuck in a rut\’!

Let’s face it, we all have that stuck feeling at some stage of other in our lives. But that’s not to say that it isn’t hugely frustrating and debilitating while it lasts.

So what’s the cause of it and what’s the best strategy for getting out of a rut?

[box type=\”shadow\”]“When we are stuck in a rut we are being invited to grow and expand.”

― Dana Arcur[/box]

Stuck In a Rut? (continued)


Living on purpose

Forgive me if I get a little philosophical for a moment but it is necessary as context for what I will share later.

At New Insights we believe that the collective purpose of humanity is to contribute to the growth and development of the planet and indeed the universe in which we are privileged to live.

Each and every one of us is equipped with a unique gift (or gifts) in the form of a specific ability, skill or talent that we can choose to apply in our lives in order to contribute to best effect to that collective purpose.

When we do so we can be said to be living our lives on purpose.

Subconscious knowing meets conscious reality

Our inner beings constantly seek to guide us, subconsciously, towards opportunities that will promote the best use of our specific skills and talents and thereby allow us to carry out the individual purposes that, at some level, we know we are here to achieve. By doing so we can live the lives we were designed to live – lives that are happy, meaningful and fulfilled.

At the same time, it is necessary from a practical point of view to adapt to the world we live in, the many other people that we interact with and the day-to-day situations and challenges we face during our time on earth.

That conscious reality, in which ‘societal expectations’ have a huge influence on us, very often dictates that we follow paths that diverge, some times quite radically, from the paths or life purposes that our inner beings would have us follow.

Root causes

And, it is this divergence that is the root cause of the condition we call being ’stuck in a rut’.

The other primary ingredient in the recipe that causes the condition is something we call living in the ‘comfort zone’.

Discomfort in the comfort zone

The ‘comfort zone’, despite its misleading description is not a place in which we feel secure but a state of mind, caused by low level fear, in which we tend to withdraw from change or anything new that may challenge us (and thus hasten our personal growth).

Whereas it is possible, at least in the short term, to live a life disconnected from your purpose and still experience excitement, this cannot happen when you remain inside of your ‘comfort zone’ or locked in a mindset characterised by fear of change and the unknown.

So, if you follow a path that prevents you from carrying out your life purpose you will inevitably, and in time, come to experience a lack of fulfilment and a deep sense of inner frustration. If, at the same time, you retreat into your so-called ‘comfort zone’ then you have created the recipe for feeling stuck in a rut.

Life force ebbs away

Feeling stuck in a rut can be equated to feeling like you are a rat on a treadmill, going through the motions of life without achieving anything meaningful, while slowly being sapped of your energy.

It\’s an awful feeling and without decisive action it can lead to depression and even serious physical illness as your very life force slowly ebbs away.

A simple remedy

Fortunately, although getting out of the rut may seem like having to climb a personal Everest at the time, the remedy for the condition is relatively simple and easily available.

The first step is to venture beyond the restrictive boundaries of the ‘comfort zone’ that is actually squeezing the growth and life out of you.

You need only take one very small action step to break the ‘inertia’ that is keeping you stuck. Quickly follow that up with the next step and continue to build momentum by taking more – and incrementally bigger – actions, as your confidence and self belief start to expand.

Once you become used to change and start to embrace it in your life it is time to connect with your inner being and ask it to reveal your life’s purpose so that you may align your chosen work with that which you are here to do, in so doing bringing into play those special gifts and talents that you possess.

Help is at hand

Being ‘stuck in a rut’ by definition means that you have temporarily lost either the ability or the will to jump out of that rut.

In other words, that first small step you need to take to test the boundaries of your comfort zone will seem daunting!

That’s why, in my opinion, you should waste no time in seeking help from a life coach who is a specialist in helping you to take that step and the follow up actions required to get you from wherever you are now to living your best life!


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This is the official Blog for New Insights Life Coach Training.
Find out more about life coaching and becoming a life coach here:



5 thoughts on “Stuck In a Rut?”

  1. Roger Alfred Arendse

    Thanks, Bill. Another very helpful contribution. I’m reposting this on my Eagle Coaching- Presence, Possibility, Praxis facebook page. In appreciation

  2. Thanks Bill for reminding me (and many others, I am sure) to keep pushing beyond my “comfort zone” which serves no purpose but to keep me from living my true life purpose.

  3. Thank you Bill very useful just this week I had to go through a similar experience and it is reassuring that I had followed a similar route.

  4. Thank you for yet another inspiring message, Bill. I hope that it gives all those who are experiencing discomfort and disillusionment in their lives, the courage they need to contact an accredited New Insights Life Coach. It will be the best gift they’ve ever given themselves.

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