Ten Life Insights

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One thing I love about being in the people industry, working with life coaches, trainee life coaches and members of the public with an interest in self development, is that I never stop learning about life.

Someone I don\’t know wrote me a heartfelt message not long ago, asking whether I would share with her child, a young adult, a few of my most valuable life insights.

[box type=\”shadow\”]\”A moment\’s insight is sometimes worth a life\’s experience.\”

– Oliver Wendell Holmes[/box]

I started jotting down my thoughts, and quickly found that I had ten insights that I felt worth sharing.

\”Why not share them on the blog,\” I thought.

If you can relate to them I\’d be delighted if you would pass them on.

If you have powerful insights of your own, please share them by commenting below!

My insights are offered in no particular order:

1. Make you your most important investment

In the longer run there can be no better return than the one you will get by investing time, energy and money in your own knowledge, skills and capabilities.

2. Have respect for perspective

Savour the fact that every human being is unique (imagine if we were all the same!)

Then realise that because of this, every person will experience life and situations from their own unique perspective. Respect that and you are on your way to becoming a master communicator.

3. Know that the secret to a joyful life lies within, not \’out there somewhere\’

Don\’t search the world for a \’magic bullet\’ to make your dreams come true. You are that magic bullet.

4. Embrace change as the bringer of opportunity

You should not fear change. You should fear lack of change, for change is the bringer of opportunity and it is through exploiting opportunity that you grow and develop as a person.

5. Trust your emotions to give you direction

Don\’t try to hide, smother or ignore your emotions. They represent a sophisticated guidance system that can steer you towards experiences that will help you grow and away from those that will have the opposite effect.

6. Speak from the heart

You will come to know, understand and appreciate yourself far better if you can learn to speak from your true essence, rather than in a manner that you think will please or appease others. Use language and tone to render your message appealing but don\’t distort the message!

7. Treat all others as you would want to be treated

It\’s an old adage but just imagine the kind of world we would live in if everyone were to practice this. Check every action you are contemplating to see if it meets this test.

8. Know that you are the creator of your own life experience

Once you realise that you have been bequeathed the gift of creation and you learn to take responsibility for everything that happens in your life, you will feel liberated and your life will blossom.

9. Always gauge your success by how you feel not by what you have

Those who define success in terms of relative material wealth and possessions will never feel satisfied. Those who define it in terms of the level of fulfillment and joy they experience will find it comes easily.

10. Follow your heart and your passion

Follow your head and conventional wisdom if you want to feed your ego. Follow your heart and your true passion if you want to feed your soul.


28 thoughts on “Ten Life Insights”

  1. I was about to add exactly that Theressa! Ask “Is it kind, is it true, is it necessary?” before you say anything. There may be a lot more silence but a lot less offense and gossip too 🙂
    Love your insights Bill. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Inspiring , thanks Bill. Another one that probably overlaps with a number you have written about is to always live a life of honesty and integrity- so that you are always attempting to function from your highest self.

    And to agree with Roger- The Shadow effect by Debbie Ford is certainly a very worthwhile read.

  3. Lovely insights, Bill! Two more that come to mind after reading your post and following my earlier morning readings and reflections are: ‘Understand, embrace and make friends with your Shadow’ (inspired by an interview I listened to with among others Debbie Ford who was a courageous voice and champion of this insight and co-authored the book The Shadow Effect before her sad passing at 57, after losing her battle with cancer). And the other is ‘Be a contribution’, which I had opportunity to share on my FB page a little more this morning, i.e. – Learning and naming oneself and others as a contribution produces a shift away from ego and narcissism, and engages us in a relationship with others that is an arena for being and making a difference in our world

    1. Thanks Roger. It’s good to hear from you. I have heard excellent reports about The Shadow Effect but haven’t yet read it – hopefully soon!

  4. Treat all others as you would want to be treated, something that I strive to achieve.
    A different perspective on that: Living in an ever changing environment one has to embrace cultural diversity, so my thought would be to treat others as they want to be treated because everyone does not want to be treated in the same way. Another thought is that you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others because if you not well, you cannot help anyone else.


    1. An interesting point! If you know how others want to be treated then that’s great. In the absence of knowing this with any certainty you wont go too far wrong by treating them the way you would expect others to treat you. And yes, always look after number one!

  5. Treat all others as you would want to be treated, something that I strive to achieve.

    Thanks for this great blog Bill. I love it!!

  6. Something I live by – and aligns well with numbers 6 & 8, is that the words we speak (& think) defines us and creates our reality. As Sir Lawrence Olivier said, choose your words with care, for their is great power therein.

    1. A powerful point William, though I would argue that the words we speak often define us in the minds of others.

      I believe our thoughts are the starting point for creating our reality. Our actions and behaviours complete the process 🙂

  7. Great insights Bill, Like number 8, knowing that I am the creator of my experiences and number 10 flowing my heart, sometimes we forget we have this thing called our hearts when emotion and illusions takes over, once more thanks

    Look within and acknowledge you are not perfect (there is no such thing), accept your flaws. It is ok to be you, we are all learning and we all make mistakes, by acknowledging them and accepting them you will be able to move on. The love that you then feel for yourself manifests and you will attract love from others x

    1. I love that (capitalised) insight.

      I suggest ‘Look within and know that you are perfectly equipped to deliver your life’s purpose. Know that you may need to make corrections along the way. That is all part of growing and developing.” 🙂

  9. One that I live by: Think before you speak

    a) Do you know if it is the absolute truth?
    b) Is it necesary for the person you telling to hear the story – will it benefit the person?
    c) Is it kind , will it hurt anyone?

    and last – Will it improve on the silence

    1. Good one. We all think before we speak but in some of us the cerebral cortex seems disconnected from the voice box!

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