Thank You

Home » Thank You

Loyal readers will have missed Insights last week.

We suspended writing partly because of the school holidays (hey – we all need a break!) and partly because we were working on some exciting changes to the format of your newsletter – more about that very soon.

[box type=\”shadow\”]\”If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you,
it will be enough.\”

– Meister Eckhart [/box]

Our Birthday

(Drum roll…) Next week we will be celebrating the fourth birthday of New Insights Africa!

Since establishing New Insights life coach training in South and southern Africa in July 2007 we have built up a pipeline of some 370 trainees of which more than 70 have gone on to become certified life coaches and bring personal freedom, confidence and self-growth to many hundreds, if not thousands of people.

A wonderful business

This is a truly wonderful business to be in, knowing the cumulative good that all those trainees and coaches are having on people and our society at a time when it is sorely needed.


But it\’s not the time to rest on our laurels. We want to step up delivery of our mission and we have been working hard on many changes that we will be introducing soon to bring this about.

We\’ll also be sharing some exciting news about a special tie up with New Insights in the UK.

Please look out for the next issue or two of Insights in which we will be announcing some of these changes.

Lots happening

So there\’s lots happening at New Insights and it is all thanks to the loyal subscriber base of trainees, coaches and, of course, Insights readers like you, that we have built up over the last four years.

Thank you

I want to take this opportunity to say a very sincere and heartfelt Thank You for being part of our growth and development. I hope you will continue to remain a loyal reader and supporter.

By the way, please do visit our Facebook page if you haven\’t yet done so 🙂

3 thoughts on “Thank You”

  1. Amit Ramasar

    Hi Bill. My first time here. I think you have a wonderful thing going on here. The interaction is good and vibrant. I also do coaching for people and businesses. I do not often agree with what people want to hear, but rather what I can contribute from my experiences as a human being, and always searching for the truth. I cannot accept what the religions say, for example, because it is not always correct, in my view. But people will do what they have to do, and want to do. That is the beauty of the human being. The challenge is always there! Thanks again for a great site. I will come here again.

  2. Mats Abatzidis

    Have an “attitude of gratitude” and you shall only experience abundance.

    Well done and keep up the great work!!!

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