What You Stand For

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Some years ago, while in corporate life, I was fortunate to be selected to attend a highly regarded leadership training programme, along with about thirty other senior and middle managers.

At one point during the course, we were confronted with the somewhat nerve wracking task of announcing to the group – in the context of the business that we were all part of – what we personally stood for.

The guidelines were simple. \”Proclaim to the group clearly, and in as few words as possible, what it is that you, as a leader, stand for.\”

[box type=\”shadow\”]
I think my mission is to become the greatest human I can. I know that sounds pompous, but what else do we have?

– Kathleen Turner[/box]


An eye opening exercise

Looking back on this now, I have to say that it was an eye opening exercise; one that I would guess few people, surprisingly, ever come to terms with yet one that can be altogether humbling, empowering and liberating.

The concept of what you stand for – your personal mission if you like – can be closely linked to your life purpose. But whereas your life purpose can be seen as the overarching raison d\’être for your existence, your personal mission is more context-specific.

So, you might, for example, have one personal mission within your business life, one that relates to your family life and one that relates to your interaction with other people.

I hereby proclaim…

As I stood there in front of my colleagues, I tried to think about what it was that genuinely constituted the driving force behind my leadership … what it was, above all, that I stood for as a leader.

Here\’s what eventually came out …

\”I proclaim that as a leader in this business I stand for inspired people. It is my personal mission to use my position to make a difference that enhances the quality of life of the people I lead.\”

I guess I had always known, in my heart, that motivating and inspiring people was part of my DNA in the organizational context – but I had never before been asked to proclaim this in just a few words in front of so many others.

A galvanizing effect

The process of thinking about and then verbalizing my personal mission had an exciting and galvanizing effect on me. And many of my colleagues reported having similar feelings about the exercise.

By announcing what I stood for, I immediately created a clear point of reference against which I could measure and judge my actions as a leader. That alone helped to bring real meaning and substance to my business life.

Not only that, but listening to my colleagues vocalize their own personal missions with pride and purpose, brought me greater insight into what made each of them tick; a greater appreciation for the unique roles they had assigned themselves in the organization and a far better understanding of how we could all work together more effectively in the common business interest.

What\’s your personal mission?

I invite you to think of an important area of your life right now – perhaps your job as a life coach (if you are one), perhaps your role as a parent, perhaps your position in your company, your church or your community – whatever you want to work with.

Now, in this chosen role, what is your personal mission? What do you stand for? What is meaningful about that? And what will you do to breathe \’life\’ and meaning into your mission?

Think deeply

Please do me a favour…

Take this exercise seriously. Think deeply about this.

When you\’re ready, write the answer down in a couple of bold sentences. Adapt and fine tune it if you need to and when you\’re done with that find someone that you can proudly proclaim it to.

Better still, proclaim it in a comment to this blog – and put yourself \’out there\’ with all of our wonderful readers!

I think you\’ll get more positive stuff out of this than you might imagine right now 🙂

17 thoughts on “What You Stand For”

  1. 4 the 1st in a very long time im forced to think hard & honestly to myself. Most of the the times we are quick to make a proclamation by saying the 1st thing that comes to our mind. The question is do we really believe that? When ever we are facing a challenge which seems too much more intriguing than we may have anticipated, we go back on our word. However i can say without hesitation, over the past few years i discovered that i derive much joy, fulfilment & piece of mind out of helping others to discover their true potential. I have had a good feedback from few people in church. Especially when they come to thank me & confess to have used the same words / techniques to help others. Some their parents thank me personally for helping steer thei kids to the right direction. Although i can count in one hand. My ex confided in me oneday out of the blue that i had a way of steering her in the right direction in our time although it never worked out btwn the 2 of us. My wife of 6 years out of the blue said to me ” u really know how to pull a person out of the pit & help me b the best person i can b 2 my family, friends & colleagues” @ 1st i thought she’s my loyal wife who simply is making a conversation. But when she told me she always use what i keep telling her & other church members [YOUTH] whom im nurturing for vaious leadership positions in church / political party which im active at to advice her friends colleagues who always view her s somebody with all the answers. I was taken aback, since some are our closest friends whom i wasnt aware of their marital woes. To me evryday is a learning curve especially the feedback. That has become a passion, burning more each day. Developing others whilst developing myself in the process, i firmly stand for that.

  2. Hi Bill
    A leader is a person who stands for values of his/her society, values that clearly and without any doubt contribute to the upliftment of the society.
    As I come from a predominantly illiterate society, where people think the government grant is everything, I AM DETERMINED TO SEE TO IT THAT PARENTS AND THEIR CHILDREN ULTIMATELY SEE EDUCATION AS THE WEAPON TO FIGHT IGNORANCE AND POVERTY. I am trying to establish a library in my location.

  3. Marina Erasmus

    I stand for LOVE, forgiveness, gratitude and being a comfort and encouragement to all people that I come into contact with. To be the best I can be – for myself and all my relations –


  5. My purpose in all my interactions with people is to “P.I.P'” them. That is to say, to place their “Potential In Perspective”. I strive to be positive in all my daily tasks and interactions as this will also bring my PIP into reality…after all, all PIPs do grow up into beautiful flowers, trees or fruit that allow others to take energy, food or other forms of source from.

    Keep PIP’in I say.

  6. My personal mission is to enrich the lives of all those I come into contact with…. my family, my friends, my clients and those strangers with whom I come into contact on a daily basis. It may be something as small as a smile or letting someone in in morning traffic or something as big as a life changing revelation but I commit to enriching the lives of those around me and to constantly looking for opportunities to do this.

  7. Dr Myles Munroe, gave the following definition of leadership, which inspired my statement below.
    Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration, motivated by a passion, generated by a vision, produced by a conviction, ignited by a purpose.
    My inspiration: Comes from knowing who I am and what I have been created for. “I am a son of the most high, created in his image’
    My purpose: We are placed on this earth, with our particular talents to be use by God. We are all vessels to glorify God’s kingdom on earth.
    My vision: Help others discover who they were created to be, by becoming the best life coach possible, giving the best of my knowledge and learned skills. ( Yet to identify a target market)

  8. Terri,
    You and I both have the same sentiments. We are all created in God’s image, we all have to just believe that Jesus died, and rose to heaven, and is sitting at the right hand of God, and that the Holy Spirit that we can receive as a free gift, enables us to walk in his image. Just believe.

  9. I proclaim in front of the New Insights community that I stand for authenticity, I stand for the right, the positive and the beautiful. I believe with all my heart that each one of us has an authentic self that is hidden somewhere through and by experiences (good and bad) I stand to bring that authentic self out in each and every one that I encounter during my journey. I stand for authenticity in all .

    Huu…that was scary but thanks Bill now I know for sure what I stand for!

  10. I proclaim that i stand for Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Word of God. It is my purpose to bring Him glory through my life and to empower others to reach their God given potential

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