Achieving Ultimate Personal Freedom

Home » Achieving Ultimate Personal Freedom

By ‘ultimate personal freedom’, I don’t just mean living in a liberal democratic society where your human rights are entrenched and protected.

I’m talking about the feeling that comes from living a life that’s characterised by inner peace and happiness.

So, what would it take to achieve ultimate personal freedom?

“The greatest enemy of individual freedom is the individual himself.”

– Saul Alinsky


A conditioned response

My guess is that eight out ten people would answer this with something along these lines: “Winning the lottery” or “A good few millions in my savings account”.

We have become conditioned to associate personal freedom with being financially well off, so this type of response is to be expected. 

Far from a guarantee

Money is, of course, the chosen currency of exchange on earth and having plenty of it can certainly make life easier and facilitate the kind of material possessions and experiences that one might never have without it.

And yet, as the wealthy will confirm, having a large amount of money is far from being a guarantee of ultimate personal freedom. Spend a few minutes of research on the Internet and you’ll find endless stories of wealthy people who lead lives that are downright miserable! 

The outside world

You see, money is simply what we use to transact with the outside world.

The more we have of it the more we are in a position to procure those things that the outside world tells us we need to bring about success, happiness and freedom – living in an upmarket area, driving a flashy car, having a better looking body, travelling to exotic places, wining and dining in style … the list goes on. 

The inner world

But true success and happiness is all about what\’s happening within.

It is the very nature of your relationship with yourself that really determines the level of personal freedom you experience. 

External world dependency

Thanks to our conditioning, most people will spend their entire lives seeking acceptance, recognition, respect and love from others.

Some do this by chasing wealth or possessions, some do it by constantly putting the interests of others before their own. Some by playing ‘victim’ and some by trying to control others or put them down.

The common denominator for such people is that their lives are externally dependent. In other words, they believe their happiness is dependent on how others see them, treat them or act towards them.

However, the enlightened few know that living an externally dependent life is a trap that inevitably leads to frustration, resentment, lack of fulfilment, or worse. 

Self love

Such people channel their efforts into self acceptance, self respect and self love, in the knowledge that their happiness is a product of how good they – not others – feel about themselves.

Self love (note – not selfish love) promotes inner strength, balance, resilience, tolerance and acceptance – all qualities that are essential ingredients for developing harmonious, loving and productive relationships with others and the outside world. 

A wonderful irony

There is a wonderful irony here.

The more self loving, self reliant and less dependent on others that you become, the more authentic, unconditional love you will have to offer others and the world at large. 

Break the chains

Through learning to understand, accept and love yourself, you can break the chains that tether dependency on others to your perception of what it takes to be successful, happy and fulfilled.

With that dependency gone, you are ready to achieve and enjoy ultimate personal freedom!

18 thoughts on “Achieving Ultimate Personal Freedom”

  1. Hermien McGill

    This article resonates with so many of my own personal beliefs. A great reminder and confirmation of what truly is important in life. Total freedom comes from first acknowledging who you truly are, flaws and all, then acceptance and then admitting and living it regardless of external influence or critique. Thanks Bill for sharing all your wonderful wisdom so freely.

  2. Great piece, and the one thing everyone misunderstand about life. Because everybody think this what need to achieve to find forfullment in life. A piece like this make me so excited about what we training to do for others to understand the purpose of life. Thanks for that insite Bill.

  3. Great post. My passion is personal growth. You can never stop growing as a person. Growth as a person has always been more important to me than status. Status is limited

  4. Another GREAT POST! Thank you Bill – I am always looking forward to find New Insights and inspiration from your blogs. ☺️ Liezl Pape New Insights Trainee

  5. I love the irony comment at the end basically the more you accept and can love yourself, the more you can give to others. Great stuff! I received my New Insights Coaching Pack last week and I have already thrown myself into the study materials.
    This article comes at a great time when I am truly being tested with my commitment to ‘making a change in my life’
    There is someone in my family who thinks I am not doing the right thing by going in this direction so it is nice to know that if I put trust in the training, continually grow throughout my training and beyond, and love what I am doing, I’ll be alright.
    Here’s to many more posts!

    1. Great comment Peter!

      At the end of the day your life is your life. Others may have opinions on what they think might be best for you … but they don’t have to live your life and their opinions are formed from their overall ‘world view’ which, like yours, is completely unique 🙂

    2. Hi Peter,
      Welcome to New Insights.
      As a NI Trainee Coach myself, recently passing my theory exam and soon reaching the end of the certification process, I wanted to congratulate you on this early take-away you’ve gained from Bill’s article.
      In Session 8 or Skills Training 5 Manual you will explore an enlightening segment about Communication and Projection which I am confident, once it has settled in your mind, will help you connect even more with what Bill is referring to in the article and comment.
      In the meantime, you are about to embark on a magnificent, inspiring and empowering journey and from personal experience, if you personally take full responsibility, I’d say you can 100% put trust in not only the training, but also in the growth and rewards you will gain along the way and far beyond.
      Enjoy the ride!

      1. Thanks Jan
        Your recommendation and advice is appreciated, and well noted for when I reach training manual 5. Like most people I’ve talked to it sounds like you have studied and being on a life journey at the same time. That’s exactly what I wanted!
        And yes, I am ready to take full responsibility from here on in and see this through until the end of training and beyond.
        Best of luck with your future practice

  6. Great article, it is the opposite of the cremora advert, it is not inside, it is on top. The truth will set you free, truth about yourself.

        1. Bill, to me an ultimate Personal Freedom is not reacting to something you do not like, but creating ahead of you something you love that makes you happy. Lifez-coaching does not deal with freedom from things we do not like but creating freedom to things we love. Achieving ultimate Personal Freedom is about having a future that corresponds to our greatest vision and ideal situation. It needs a decision to change from what we are not happy with and achieve what we like most. Thanks
          Tembeka Sizani
          Life-Coaching Trainee

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