Grow Wings and Attract Wealth

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To many, the achievement of personal freedom would seem wholly dependent on one’s ability to build material wealth.

To others, attaining personal freedom requires one to focus on a path of spirituality, which is incompatible with an approach to life based on the acquisition of material things.

So, who is right?

Or is there a ‘middle road’ where both approaches can co-exist?

Hierarchy of needs

Abraham Maslow is famously known for his ‘hierarchy of human needs’ which postulates that self actualisation is the epitome of what humans strive for.

Put simply, once our more basic needs such as security, shelter, food and so on are met, we can begin to focus on intermediate needs. And, once those are met, our focus shifts to the higher order need – actualisation of self.

At New Insights we have adopted a somewhat different approach to human needs, aligned with that developed by human motivational expert, Anthony Robbins. In his model, the higher order needs are personal growth and contribution, or giving back.

Personal growth and meaning

Robbin’s model is a little more in depth and, arguably, more helpful in understanding what drives people and how. Nevertheless, it is aligned with Maslow’s in as much that self actualisation is really just a fancy term for experiencing personal growth and meaning.

The question then, as we consider these fundamental drivers of behaviour, is where the pursuit of money, or material wealth comes in?

At New Insights we are of the opinion, controversial perhaps, that striving for authentic personal growth while, at the same time, building material wealth, is quite normal, acceptable and even desirable.

Wings and Wealth

We believe that the concepts of ‘Wings’ and ‘Wealth’ need not be mutually exclusive pursuits. In fact they can be entirely compatible.

That said, we do not believe that the former is in any way dependent on the latter. On the contrary, we believe it is misguided to think that financial freedom is a necessary precursor to enjoying authentic personal freedom and growth.

We do, however, believe that material wealth is often the natural outcome of a focus on personal freedom and growth.

Let’s explore this a little more (and, by the way, the opinions expressed here are those we put forward for consideration in our life coach training programme).

Abundance and scarcity

The natural state of the universe, or – closer to home – planet Earth, is one of abundance. Simply put, there is more than enough of everything we need to go around.

Unfortunately, though, mankind has upset the state of natural abundance thanks to the greed of a relatively small minority.

Some people, fearful of being deprived of what they regard as their ‘fair share’, make it their focus to hoard resources in quantities far greater than they need. They consider this action a form of insurance in what they see as a highly unpredictable world.

Their hoarding actions serve to distort the natural state of abundance, causing pockets of scarcity. This, in turn, focuses the minds of others on pursuing a similar ‘insurance’ strategy.

As the shortages become more apparent, fear and greed grow. Very soon, the hoarders, with superior knowledge and means, get richer, scarcity expands and the rest – the vast majority – get poorer and more desperate.

The only path to freedom or a mirage in the desert?

You can see that, for the struggling majority, the only path to freedom seems to be to follow the hoarders and focus on the acquisition of material wealth at all costs.

Thanks to the greedy actions of a few, we end up with a situation where, for a great many ordinary people, the focus on making money becomes ingrained as an end in itself.

And, because of this, true personal freedom and growth is like a mirage in the desert. It is constantly beckoning, but it is never reachable.

A solution – harmony with the natural order

For those who want and deserve a comfortable life, yet refuse to be tempted to sell their souls in the pursuit of money to the exclusion of all else, there is a simple way out.

The solution, is to focus, first and foremost, on getting back into harmony with the natural order.

Rather than expending all your energy on the pursuit of money, in the mistaken belief that this will guarantee your freedom, you should focus your efforts on getting to know, understand and appreciate yourself and your unique purpose in life – or why you are here.

Purpose, passion and power

Knowing your purpose will allow you to direct your passion and unleash your inner power and creativity. In doing so you will taste the joy of personal freedom, turbocharge your growth and multiply the value of your contribution to society and the world at large.

As your life begins to take on new and more inspired meaning, tapping into the natural state of abundance will become more and more effortless. Accordingly, the material means required to support a life aligned with the natural order, will naturally begin to manifest.

The way life was intended

To those struggling to get their daily needs met right now, this may all sound rather far fetched. Admittedly, it requires a serious mindshift for those trapped in the belief that money is the only path to freedom … but it is the way life was intended.

So to summarise …

Listen to your inner voice. Focus first on growing your ‘wings’. Prioritise your purpose, give rein to your passion and explore your amazing inner power.

A natural outcome of your authentic intention will be the attraction of the ‘wealth’ (both material and non material) required to sustain a life of joy, meaning and fulfilment.

Grow wings … and attract wealth!

7 thoughts on “Grow Wings and Attract Wealth”

  1. I agree wholeheartedly with the philosophy you have expressed in this piece of writing, Bill. Furthermore, it describes my transition from being “in the world” but not “of the world.” Since 2013, I have been a pilgrim on “the road less travelled.” I gained my sense of purpose through my New Insights Life Coaching program and set myself free from the corporate world in 2013. I know my purpose and I am driven by my desire to empower others to reach their true potential.

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