Imagination and Creation

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As life coaches we hold the imagination in very high regard as a powerful tool for creation.

Our thoughts are like little rockets of creative energy in and of themselves. But most thoughts are fleeting, disjointed and insufficiently focused to bring about significant effects.

The imagination, however is different. It gives shape, coherency and focus to our thoughts as well as a basis for a strong emotional connection with those thoughts.

[box type=\”shadow\”]\”Imagination is more important than knowledge for knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world and all there ever will be to know and understand.

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere …  It is the preview of life\’s coming attractions.\”

– Albert Einstein[/box]

Believer or sceptic?

If you have connected the manifestation of a certain event, situation or reality in your life with your own prior process of vivid imagination, you will appreciate how powerful this can be.

If you remain sceptical then there are an increasing number of scientific studies that are starting to bear out the link between imagination and manifestation. I urge you to do your own research.

Setting goals

In life coaching we assist our clients to employ the power of their imaginations to help set and reach challenging personal goals.

Goals that are set without being properly imagined or visualised – and those that are devoid of emotion – are simply uninspiring thoughts that lack sufficient positive mental energy to bring them to reality.

On the other hand, goals that are imagined vividly or with great clarity and that bring into play all of one\’s senses and emotions, are far more likely to be manifested.

An example

As a simple example of what I mean let\’s assume two separate ladies, Deena and Delia both have similar dreams of enjoying an exotic island holiday.

Given their written goal descriptions below, which of the two do you think has the better chance of seeing her dream come true?

Deena\’s goal:

“In about a year\’s time when I have accumulated enough of my savings I hope to book an island holiday and stay in a luxury hotel, the perfect way to relax. If I can get the time off work I will go for a full three weeks. With luck I will meet some interesting people and have a great time.”

Delia\’s goal:

\”It is the 10th December 2013 and here I am, floating in the slowly lapping, warm, azure beach waters of the stunning island of Praslin in the Seychelles. I feel fabulously relaxed as I breathe in the fresh sea air mildly fragranced with honeysuckle. I feel so proud of having planned and booked this wonderful three week holiday. As I gaze up at my amazing hotel nestled in the tropical bush on the hillside above me, I feel a deep sense of gratitude for being here amongst all the fascinating, colourful locals and tourists. Everything about this holiday is just so exciting. Bring it on!\”

Full sensory visualisations

Our minds possess the incredible ability to generate full sensory visualisations. When we close our eyes we can literally picture,  hear, smell and touch our surroundings, allowing us to experience a range of associated emotions.

By translating this vividly imagined spectacle into a written goal that can serve as a regular reminder to us, we can relive the visualisation – and the accompanying feelings and sensations – consistently and frequently.

By regularly focusing our thoughts in this way we lead our subconscious minds to believe that what we are visualising is a definite part of our future reality. As a result they are compelled to  work tirelessly to bring the visualisation into being!

The creation process

That might seem rather magical and mysterious to some.

Others would say that we humans have simply lost sight of the fact that this is how the creation process works.

Whatever you might feel, try harnessing the power of your imagination. You have nothing to lose…

Extraordinary ability

…But what you stand to gain is the extraordinary ability to shape your own reality!


9 thoughts on “Imagination and Creation”

  1. Thanks for the wonderful post, Bill. I will be using my imagination and creativity to get me to my goal and dream of starting to study with New Insights, and become a life coach. The finances are on their way. 🙂

  2. Without creativity and innovation nothing is sustainable. Imagination gives birth to both of these precious jewels.

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