You Have the Power Within

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I\’m delighted to have met some truly wonderful and inspiring coaches during the course of the Advanced Coach Training workshop that we ran from Friday to Sunday.

One such person was Jacques Gouws who recently gained certification. Jacques is doing great work to espouse the cause of life coaching in what is a relatively conservative part of the world where the very idea of life coaching is traditionally meet with more than a little scepticism!

Jacques handed me a copy of an article that he had penned for his local newspaper. I loved it, adapted it somewhat and added a few thoughts of my own. With Jacques\’ permission I have reproduced it here on the blog as a co-authored article:

[box type=\”shadow\”]“Most people live – whether physically, intellectually or morally – in a very restricted circle of their potential being. We all have reservoirs of life to draw upon of which we do not dream.”

– William James[/box]

You\’re invited

We invite readers of this article to take a little time out to look carefully at their own lives for a few moments.

Chances are you are reasonably financially stable, enjoying a secure relationship with one or more beautiful children. You’re self employed, involved in an honourable profession or vocation or perhaps you’re a valued home maker. With luck you have a supportive family and a nice circle of friends.

Life should be good … but is it?

Not knowing where to turn

Our research has shown that a great many people leading lives that, on the face of it, seem attractive, are actually deeply unfulfilled and feeling trapped – knowing that they want so much more from life but not knowing where to turn to get it.

This is a common affliction of modern day living. On the surface all appears well, but inwardly there is a serious conflict of emotions between what we think we ‘should’ be feeling and experiencing and what we really are feeling at a deep level.

Do you regularly harbour any of the following thoughts?

•    “The day to day routine is killing me. I am stuck in a rut.”
•    “I don’t feel deeply loved.”
•    “My job has become that – just a job.”
•    “The excitement has gone out of my life.”
•    “I feel like my personal growth has stagnated.”
•    “I don’t even really know who I am anymore. I wear a ‘mask’ every day.”

If so, rest assured that you’re not alone.

A strange disconnect

We speak from personal experience, when we say that many of us are plagued by a strange kind of disconnect between our subconscious and conscious minds.

When removed from the day-to-day, with time to introspect or think deeply, we are capable of visualising the most amazing and exciting things but when forced to resume ‘business as normal’ again those ideas quickly evaporate, replaced in our minds by the nagging ‘if’, ‘but’ and ‘if only’ type questions.

A state of paralysis

We seemingly enter a state of paralysis, unable to act on the promises of a better life that we are given the power to visualise.

And continued inaction has a debilitating effect, often resulting in:

•    depression;
•    obsessive or addictive behaviour, such as resorting to drugs, smoking, drinking, engaging in wanton sex and so on;
•    relationship tensions and failures with associated feelings of frustration and guilt; and, in extreme cases even
•    suicidal feelings.

Treating the symptoms

Instead of listening to the desperate appeals of our subconscious mind to take action to address the root cause of our unhappiness, we look to treat the symptoms by, for example, taking antidepressant medications. Or we look to our past to try and unlock the reasons for our unhappiness and we sign up for some form of counselling or therapy.

Of course counsellors and therapists perform a vital role in assisting people who are deeply affected by past experiences and traumas. But the truth is that for many ‘ordinary people’ the solution is not to be found in issues of their past but rather in their attitudes towards the current and the future.

A conditioned belief

In today’s world we have become conditioned to believe that the solution to our woes lies somewhere ‘out there’, when all along the solution lies within.

Did you know that, just as you have the ability to conjure up all manner of excuses for the inaction that is causing your lack of fulfillment you also possess everything you could possibly need to achieve your dreams?

By following the route that your subconscious mind (or your internal voice) has been pleading you to take, you can bring about a turnaround in your life that will seem nothing short of miraculous. Be reassured … you have the power within you.

Take responsibility

The secret is to resist the temptation to blame your environment, your upbringing, other people or simply the finger of fate and to learn to take full and personal responsibility for your own life.

If you need help doing this – and most do, then we strongly recommend life coaching. It’s not the second fastest growing industry in the world for no reason. It really works!

Life coaching – present and future focused

Life coaching is present and future focused, empowering and motivating and it offers you the tools you need to live a fulfilling life driven by the unique purpose that you are here on earth to fulfill.

You have the power within you.

Your challenge is to accept that, to access your power, to use it … and to start living again!

16 thoughts on “You Have the Power Within”

  1. This is powerful. Yes we have been endowed with divine POWER; it is within us and in most cases we let circumstances dictate to us how much power we have and yet we have it for all things to create and determine what we want out of life..

  2. Great article, is it possible that the writer would let us put the article i our local news papers.

    1. You can use any article from this blog you like as long as you acknowledge the source and, preferably, include a link to the site. In this specific instance you should also acknowledge Jacques Gouws (New Insights certified life coach) as co-author.

  3. Anthea Mesias

    Great article! Thanks for sharing. I agree in totality that the power to effect the changes in our lives lies within us…we just need to still the external voices around us and listen to the voice inside us because the answers to the questions we have are there…we just need to tune in!

  4. I really enjoyed reading this article. Being a coach myself of course doesen’t mean I am exempt from falling into the trap of stagnation, from fear or lack of confidence. I then wonder why I haven’t recieved many clients, which then in turn can result in further stagnation from lack of self belief.

    So it was a lovely reminder to embrace the present and take action to fully participate in my own life. Also to remember my own valuable coaching training and keep telling myself positive stories in order to grow my own confidence so I can reflect back to me the life I want.

  5. Great article! Life coaching is superior to conventional therapy in my opinion, as instead of spending years on the couch of a therapists office, trying to move on from the past, by continuing to focus on the past, Life coaching focuses on the NOW. I have been to therapy and found it didn’t do me any good trying to rehash the past all the time. The power of NOW is what makes us move forward.

    1. Thanks Angelique.

      Different horses for different courses I believe! Whereas therapy certainly has a vital role to play in society, life coaching is particularly powerful for those, not adversely afflicted by past traumas, who want the motivation, inspiration and tools to pursue their dreams and ambitions.

  6. Geoff Feldon

    This is truly a great article and articulates the reason and benefits of coaching very well.

    Everything starts with a thought and it is the control of those thoughts that can make the difference between staying where you are in life (or regressing) and moving forward. Once you have clearly thought about where you want to be and made the decision to act you are a long way down the road to changing your life.

    But until you made the thought real you will not be able to truly change your life.

    Thanks for the great insights in this article.

  7. Thank you very much for an awesome article. Indeed we have power within us that is connected to the higher power (God); we can do ALL things through the POWER that is within us and strengthening us.
    Most people let fear & doubt cloud their POWER not realising that they do have the POWER to refuse and destroy fear & doubt.

    Thank you once again 🙂

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