Anxiety, the Scourge of Our Time

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The source of inspiration for this week’s post is a New Insights certified coach by the name of Peter Walter.

Peter, who is originally from New Zealand, now lives in Letchworth in the UK. He completed our training programme in February this year. I was delighted to hear from him again a few days ago. He contacted me to express his thanks for the recent podcast on values, which resonated with him. At the same time, he very kindly offered to write a guest post for this Blog.

In the spirit of giving readers some variety, I’ll almost certainly be taking him up on his offer soon. But the main reason I mention him in today’s post is this: I couldn’t help noticing his email signature and the fact that he signs off with the title ‘anxiety coach’.

Personally, I think Peter is on to something big.

Respect for other professions

Let me preface my further thoughts by saying that, as life coaches, we need to have the utmost respect for the medical and related professions.

The New Insights code of ethics, for one, reminds coaches that they have committed to do only good for their clients and, among other things, that requires them to refrain from offering their services to clients who present with health issues, for which their training does not adequately prepare and equip them.

Serious mental health issues such as chronic and intense anxiety are, of course, the specialist domain of professional counsellors, therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists.

A modern day scourge

Nonetheless, it needs to be recognised, nowadays, that even people we would generally regard as mentally well and fully functioning, are afflicted by bouts of anxiety.

Those of us involved in life coaching in these times will know only too well that the majority of clients will admit to harbouring regular feelings of low level anxiety that hinder them from attaining and maintaining the type and quality of life that they truly desire and deserve.

Low level anxiety and the accompanying feelings of apprehension, fear and even dread are, without doubt, something of a modern day scourge that most of us have to deal with at various times in our life and with increasing frequency.

The relevance of life coaching

And therefore, I think it entirely appropriate and much needed that some life coaches, like Peter, have chosen to specialise in offering their services to people afflicted by this 21st century epidemic.

My own experiences, involving members of my close family and friends have opened my eyes to just how ubiquitous the condition of anxiety has become. It has also become clear just how relevant and helpful life coaching, and the various tools and techniques it employs, can be in assisting to overcome the inertia or ‘stuckness’ that feelings of anxiety can cause in people who, otherwise, have so much more to gain and to give in this world.

The gut-mind connection

Much recent research is beginning to bear out what Chinese medicine has taught for centuries; that afflictions of the mind, such as anxiety, have their roots in the gut.

Upset the delicate balance of bacteria that inhabit the gastrointestinal tract – or gut microbiome – and you’re likely going to end up with mood swings, brain fogs and difficulty maintaining a positive mindset.

Even worse, such imbalances can trigger an immune response that leads to the so-called ‘leaky gut’ syndrome where the intestinal wall thins and becomes permeable. In such cases, food poisoning or a poor diet can result in the ‘leaking’ of toxins into the bloodstream from where they can find their way to the brain and wreak havoc with the mind.

In the modern world where toxins from industrial smog, vehicle fumes, pesticides and microplastics threaten to overrun us, it is clear that simply having a healthy respect for one’s gut and what one puts into it, will go a long way towards helping reduce or manage symptoms of anxiety.

The mind-gut connection

Let’s look at things another way.

You could consider the mind and the gastrointestinal tract as being part of a two way feedback loop. Whereas a great diet can promote a healthy mindset, a feel good attitude can also promote healthier eating and a more settled gut.

Sadly, the opposite is equally true.

In our frenetic, modern day, materialistic world, where profits are more highly regarded than people and where success tends to be measured by power, status and/or possessions, rather than happiness, most of us find ourselves trapped on a hamster wheel doing someone else’s bidding in a frantic quest to get ahead and achieve the illusory pinnacle of ‘success’.

We busy ourselves with what our egos tell us we should do or ought to do in order to appease the demands of our external world, rather than take time out to listen to our inner beings and then busy ourselves with those activities that harnesses our gifts and passion and thereby bring us joy.

Living externally focused lives and denying our inner beings is a recipe for certain stress and anxiety, which can often result in irregular eating, a junk food diet and unhealthy addictions to alcohol and/or other substances that, in turn, take their toll on the delicate gut microbiome, perpetuating the vicious cycle.

A wonderful antidote

Life coaching, or anxiety coaching as Peter would call it in his practice, offers a wonderful antidote to this debilitating cycle, that so many of us, unwittingly and/or unnecessarily succumb to in the modern day world.

In particular, the New Insights life coaching system follows a tried and tested process that brings about personal transformation through developing a client’s self awareness, releasing his or her inner power and providing a range of tools and techniques to promote personal growth and the pursuit of a purpose driven life.

Exit Anxiety.

Enter Calmness, Balance and Joy!

12 thoughts on “Anxiety, the Scourge of Our Time”

  1. In most cases the breakthrough and revelation came through in the session on Human Needs and classes of behaviour. – I personally relate to this statement. My “aha moment” was when I got to this module – one of the best investments in my life that came free of charge – agreeing to one of your now certified Life Coaches to practice on me.

  2. It is great to see NI constantly staying at the cutting edge of strategic life development. Your material is well prepared and graphically first class!
    Keep up the good work.

  3. Trudie Matthysen

    Brilliant article!

    Anxiety is so real in people’s lives that they are starting to accept it, sadly, choosing Peter’s option 2.

    I’m currently busy with the practical part of the New Insights Coaching certification and of the 5 trainee coachees I have coached so far everyone showes clear signs of anxiety. As a matter of fact, there were clear signs of FAR (fear, anger and resentment) the perfect combination of feelings to manifest itself in angst and anxiety. In most cases the breakthrough and revelation came through in the session on Human Needs and classes of behaviour. I just couldn’t stop at session 2 without introducing them to Human Needs and Classes of behaviour.

    What I find so amazing is that the New Insights coaching program allows us as coaches to find that specific area which just resonates with you in such a way that you are able to present it with such clarity that it becomes the “turning point” in people’s journey. If you are denying your needs and/or putting other’s needs before your own, anxiety will surely accompany you on your journey and steal your joy.



  4. Laura Anderton

    I think if we as coaches encourage taking the ‘road less travelled’ one small step at a time, I.e. let go of one thing that doesn’t serve us, it is not such a painful process.

    I liken it to clearing your closet. There are clothes that we don’t wear for ages, and yet we still keep them, thinking we will do so at some point. Eventually, when you make the decision to remove the pieces that you have not worn in over a year (or more) it is so freeing, because then you can see more clearly the pieces (in this case – people or things) that bring us joy and fulfillment.

    Closet clearing is something I do in a regular basis, because I may not be ready to part with one thing, whereas I am sure I can part with another.
    It’s a step by step approach. Slowly removing or dealing with issues that cause us anxiety is very doable.

  5. Hi Bill,
    Thank you for the mention in your great article, and I look forward to presenting some of my content in the future.

    What a great way to look at how we are treating ourselves. I like how you mention the ‘science’ behind not looking after both our mind and our physical bodies.

    Also, how the line “Living externally focused lives and denying our inner being is a recipe for disaster” is a perfect example how people who are suffering from anguish are doing so because of what they put into their bodies but also from living a life that is not aligned with their values and true purpose.

    From experience I know that non-alignment with these things is a big catalyst for anxiety.

    I believe following your inner-being can be difficult because you have to give up the identity and habits that you know and take on new ones, and as we know as coached our brain does not like change.

    However, a great way to look at this is to give yourself/client 2 options
    1. You can go through the discomfort of forming new beliefs and habits that will serve you better. Yes, it will be uncomfortable! Or…
    2. Go through the discomfort of anxiety because you are not living a life true to yourself.

    Given the option I think most of us would prefer option 1!

    Cheers Bill

    1. Hi Peter, I’m so pleased that you have contributed, and in such a profound way, to this article. Thank you!

  6. Life coaching certainly does offer a huge amount of support and encouragement as well as the continuous motivation to keep on learning and growing. All it takes is an open mind and an open heart and the courage to take “the road less travelled.” We are so much more effective in the various roles we play when we make our well-being (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual) our first priority.

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