The Beauty of Balance: Learning from the Turtle

Home » The Beauty of Balance: Learning from the Turtle

My wife and and I are blessed to be enjoying an idyllic holiday in Bali as I write this.

Jenni has a noteworthy birthday coming up soon and has always had a strong attraction to the idea of visiting Bali … so a couple of months ago we thought, “It’s been a while since we’ve been away, why don’t we just make this happen.” And so, here we are on the little island paradise that is Lembongan, off the coast of Bali – the second of a four stop layover.

I love writing this Blog, of course. It helps me to fulfill my life purpose of inspiring others. But I have to admit that this week, while contemplating this, the 250th post, I struggled to put ‘pen to paper’ so to speak. Definitely not because we have any lack of inspiring things to write about but just because … well … our surroundings are a little too distracting (see the pic)!

Thankfully, Jenni had the solution.

“When you have balance in your life, work becomes an entirely different experience. There is a passion that moves you to a whole new level of fulfilment and gratitude and that’s when you can do your best … for yourself and for others.”

– Cara Delevingne

Jenni is a follower and admirer of a young gentleman and motivational speaker called Brett Shuttleworth. Brett is a South African living in Bali and owns Smiling Soul Creations and runs Smiling Soul Retreats.

Jenni pointed me to one of Brett’s Facebook pages and a post that he recently wrote. I read it, loved it and thought: “This is just perfect for Life Coaching Insights – and very appropriate given where we find ourselves. Why try and ‘recreate the wheel’?”

So today I have Brett to thank as I have unashamedly reproduced his post below. If, after reading it, you’d like to see more of Brett’s work or follow him you can click here.

“You can rest when you die.”

“No pain, no gain.”

“Blood, sweet and tears.”

The world is riddled with these kinds of metaphoric commands that basically say the harder you try and the harder you work, the better you will do and the more you will succeed – and ultimately, the happier you will be.

Today, I consider such advice to be downright dangerous and sometimes just false.

What’s worse is I actually bought into the dogma and committed to it until I was in my early 30’s. Of course I am not overlooking the value of pursuing a creation or goal – but to what extent and sacrifice? Personally, my non-stop mentality in my earlier years caused injuries in my sports career as I trained so hard; I lost respect as a leader as I forced and pushed too much. I have lost relationships and burnt down bridges, because my attitude of pursuit was unhealthily forceful.

What I discovered later in life, is: If you lose balance in your life, you will lose power. And if you are forcing in any area of your life, this will almost certainly tip you out of balance.

One of the wisest insights to a fulfilled life is knowing how to cultivate balance.

The Balinese get this, so much so that they perceive embodiments of balance in nature as sacred and powerful – such as the sacred turtle. The turtle is regarded as the epitomy of balance in the animal world because it lives its life equally between earth and water. If you put a turtle on its back – its shell – it simply and gracefully rocks back into a position of stability.

The Balinese, too, live equally off the land and sea.

Each day, the offerings they create and bless get made from all variables from land and water – from bananas leaves, scent, fresh flowers and rose water. Fire, Air, Water, Wind and Earth is all represented equally in their daily ritual creations.

Another way in which they hold balance in high regard is through acknowledging and respecting both forces of positive and negative in the world. They understand that the two are sides of the same coin – the same one-ness. True power comes in accepting and embracing both, without needing to force or change something.

Today I teach the principle of balance as one of the miracle insights to an abundant, happy and fulfilled life. Even on my Retreats, the itinerary is structured to balance teachings, activities, and enough down-time and reflection. The magic happens in the space between the notes.

[Reproduced, with appreciation, from Brett Shuttleworth’s post of 17 June 2018 in the Smiling Soul Creations Facebook page.]

13 thoughts on “The Beauty of Balance: Learning from the Turtle”

  1. Rita Braganca

    Thanks Bill for sharing this “insight”. Really enjoyed reading it. I agree with it as I think that way too. It is good to be reminded now and again.

  2. Nina Llewellyn

    A blog that reads very fluidly.

    Balance was described to me in terms of a seesaw…same principle, and yes, it is important. Perspective I would also describe it as; and when you have this you can indeed have time for living.

    Enjoy your holiday Jenni & Bill !

  3. I agree that balance is the answer, You have a body ,soul and spirit, your soul being the go between your spirit and your body.
    The more aligned or balanced these three are, the closer you are to where you are a whole complete being.
    As soon as one of these is out of sync, you have a hole in your whole and something leaks out and is lost. To close these holes you must regain your balance.

  4. It’s all about the balance – get that right and you are truly full of abundance. Thank you Bill for sharing ever-inspiring words (even if they were via Brett Shuttleworth this time!). Continue having a wonderful holiday in Bali – looks fabulous.

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