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key life insights

7 Key Life Insights

I love being in the people industry. Working with life coaches, trainee life coaches, and members of the public with an interest in self-development, ensures that I am constantly learning about people. And it’s people that make the world go around! Some time ago a teacher, and avid reader of

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20 years in business

20 Years in Business Promoting Freedom, Confidence & Growth

As loyal readers will know, and as the name implies, the purpose of this Blog is to offer insights into personal development and self improvement within the overall context of life coaching. Whereas we take great delight when it provides the motivation for readers to enrol in our life coach

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How Time Flies When You’re Having Fun!

It’s been a strange old year, not so! But don’t worry, things are about to get a LOT better. How do I know? Thirteen today! … Because New Insights Africa turns thirteen today!! And in doing so, we move beyond the dark perils of our ‘annus superstitious’ and emerge into

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instant gratification

The Instant Gratification Trap

My inspiration for the previous post, Anxiety, the Scourge of Our Time, came from a New Insights certified life coach by the name of Peter Walter. Peter lives in Letchworth in the UK and specialises in transformational coaching for people dealing with anxiety issues. This week, I’m proud to feature

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Quality training

Life Coaching: Why Quality Training is Essential

Life coaching is becoming increasingly popular as a part– or full time career, as people appreciate the double benefits of having a truly flexible career that can adapt to one’s lifestyle AND one in which the primary aim is to be a catalyst for positive and constructive change in the

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2019 the Best Year Ever

Five Actions to Make 2019 the Best Ever

In this, the first blog post for 2019, let me start by wishing all subscribers a very happy and prosperous New Year! Cynics will smirk and say that’s a rather hackneyed phrase that we trot out, ever hopefully, at the commencement of yet another year! The point in the earth’s

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infinite possibility

2018. Year of Suppressed Dreams or Infinite Possibility?

2018. It has a good ring to it don’t you think? The number eight has something of an exciting quality to it, shaped, as it is, like a vertical rendition of the mathematical symbol for infinity. Infinity denotes an infinitely large number. You could also think of it as the

2018. Year of Suppressed Dreams or Infinite Possibility? Read More »

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