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power of people

The Power of People

The power of the collective to bring about change is seldom questioned and often clearly demonstrated during democratic election times such as that we are witnessing in 2024.

But the power of the individual is given less attention, with many doubting their ability to impact the world in any meaningful way.

In today’s post, Bill explains why this is doubt is so misplaced.

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Lady praying at Balinese temple

Life Lessons From a Strange Yet Mystical Land

Life lessons are there to be had in many corners of our troubled, yet special world.

For Bill, one place in particular stands out for his experience of the authentic love, respect and care shown for humanity.

In this blog post, he advocates that we should expect the unexpected in this mystical land.

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Be True to Yourself

The pressures and demands of the modern day world are such that many of us find our lives are trained on trying to meet the expectations of others. In the process we become further slowly more disconnected from who we are and what it is that is important to us.

If you find yourself constantly wrestling with what you feel you should do versus what you inwardly feel you need to do, Be True to Yourself is written for you!

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following the science

When Following the Science is Not Enough

When it comes to the study of human motivation, those who remain fixated on ‘following the science’ are likely to be disappointed.

In this post, Bill argues that the power of life coaching lies in its ability to recognise and harness concepts that cannot be neatly explained in scientific terms. As he implies, the secret to living the life you love requires acceptance that there is a certain ‘magical ‘ element to life.

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ways to deal with stress

8 Ways to Deal with Stress

Levels of chronic stress are unprecedented in today’s world. Ironically, technological advancements that promised to give us more time for leisure and enjoyment are at the root of this problem.

In this post, Bill suggests eight ways in which stress can be dealt with.

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Celebrate Your Significance

We live in an unpredictable and uncertain world. As we witness the magnitude of the events unfolding around us it is all too easy to take on feelings of powerlessness. Such feelings can cause us to start doubting our own significance, or relevance in the world.

And yet, we each have an important role in the growth and evolution of the planet and the universe. Each one of us is leaving an indelible mark on the course that that evolution takes.

In this podcast episode, Bill encourages listeners to recognise this and celebrate their undoubted significance!

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effective communication

Towards More Effective Communication: The 20-Second Rule

In the New Insights Life Coach Training and Certification Programme, we devote an entire module to the topic of communication. Deservedly so, I might add. That’s because the way we communicate has a fundamental impact on our ability to live more meaningful and fulfilling lives. It’s worth letting that statement

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Life Coaching assumptions

8 Key Assumptions That Underpin Effective Life Coaching

In the early stages of the New Insights Life Coach Training and Certification Programme we cover the key assumptions that we believe form part of the philosophy on which this transformational discipline is based. In the training, we list seventeen life coaching assumptions that we present for aspirant coaches to

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Passion represented by fire heart

Make Your Passion Work for You

A global Gallup poll conducted pre COVID revealed that, among the more than one billion full-time workers, only 15% felt they were properly engaged in their work. In an article titled ‘The World’s Broken Workplace’, Jim Clifton, the Chairman of Gallup, put this staggering statistic down to outdated management practices

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key life insights

7 Key Life Insights

I love being in the people industry. Working with life coaches, trainee life coaches, and members of the public with an interest in self-development, ensures that I am constantly learning about people. And it’s people that make the world go around! Some time ago a teacher, and avid reader of

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fear of failure

Never Let Fear of Failure Hold You Back

We all know the old idiom: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!” But many of us never get to embrace this sage advice because we are too fearful of failing. ‘Success’ is overhyped as the ultimate goal that we humans are expected to pursue in life. We

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Why become a life coach?

5 Compelling Reasons to Become a Life Coach

If you love working with people, have a thoroughly ethical disposition, and share a passion for – and open mind about – personal development, don’t overlook life coaching as a fantastic, potential new full– or part-time career. Life coaching is one of the fastest growing industries in the world at

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confused lady

Life Coaching and Misperceptions Explained

Ask any life coach what they do and the chances are high that the word change will crop up in the description they choose to share. At New Insights we like to think of life coaches as agents for change. Helping people bring about the changes that they desire in

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