Change Agents

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In last week\’s article, The Winds of Change, I talked about the unprecedented changes that humanity is facing and suggested that while we are navigating uncharted waters from the point of view of the external environment, we may also be witnessing the early stages of change brought about from within, through a collective \’awakening of consciousness\’.

Today I want to focus on the ability that we all have to be agents of change by taking positive action to bring about the kind of change that we really want to see in our world.

[box type=\”shadow\”]\”When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, \’I used everything you gave me.\’\”

– Erma Bombeck[/box]

We have the capability

I agree that not everyone has it in them to be a Mandela, a Gandhi, a Churchill, an Einstein or an Obama. Few of us are cut out to make such dramatic and far reaching changes to this planet within our life time.

But every single one of us definitely has the capability to do something, no matter how modest it may seem at first, to make an important contribution to the positive development of our world.

This is a time of unprecedented challenge. But inherent in that reflection is the recognition that this is also a time of unprecedented opportunity.

The effect would be staggering

Imagine that every man, woman and child of sound mind and body were to sign a binding pledge to commit to undertake a small project that would contribute to the positive improvement of life on this Earth. To say the least, the effect would be absolutely staggering.

But let\’s bring that idea into the realms of realism.

What if just one person out of every thousand on Earth were to rise to this hypothetical challenge and become agents of positive change?

With some seven billion people inhabiting the globe, that would still translate into the determined efforts of seven million individuals.

Just imagine the results!

The exciting part

And here\’s the exciting part. Change agents are exactly that – agents, or catalysts who get an initiative underway. The right initiatives will capture the interest or imagination of others who will provide further impetus to render the changes sustainable and wider reaching.

Leverage is a powerful force!

New insights Africa

Some four years ago, I started New Insights Africa with the aim of bringing personal freedom, confidence and growth to people from all walks of life.

I knew that I could have only very limited impact myself, despite my passion and enthusiasm. But I reasoned that by making life coach training convenient, affordable and effective, many more people would be attracted to become life coaches and that each coach, in turn, would have a profound impact on perhaps a few hundred other people over the years.

Today, New Insights Africa has trained and certified nearly 80 life coaches, many of whom have gone on to establish thriving practices in southern Africa and beyond – and there are many more on the way.

Very conservatively speaking, lets say each trained coach has a substantially positive impact on the lives of 50 clients each year. Do the maths and you\’ll see that within a three year period it is more than possible to bring about positive life improvements for 10,000 people. Of course, it doesn\’t end there as the rub-off effects are significant.

Once you start rolling a snowball downhill it very quickly picks up in scale and momentum until it becomes a real force to be reckoned with.

My challenge – what about you?

No doubt many of you will be able to point to you own efforts to promote positive change in the world. And hopefully, some of you will be inspired to take up the challenge to become change agents – and start crafting your own snowballs.

Quality rather than quantity

My advice to those who wonder where to begin is not to fret about the scale of your influence when you start. Rather focus on the quality of your efforts. Then, when the time is right, think of how you could apply leverage.

Time to pull together

Each and every one of us has the capacity to make this world a better place, whether that be through our work, our play, our attitude to others, our community service, our personal acts of kindness or other personal initiatives. We can all play an important part no matter how small or how big to help make this world the magical place it was always meant to be … for all of us to enjoy.

Are you – or will you be – an agent for positive change in this world?

If so, please do use the comments feature to share what it is you are doing – or what initiative you plan to start 🙂

12 thoughts on “Change Agents”

  1. I am a Change Agent, and loving it. The Greatest challenge is to help people to be comfortable with discomfort in work enviroment. Think about it … your GM actually preparing filter coffee every morning. You think its possible… Well, it is. Or you make a mess, would you go down stairs to the cleaners office and fetch a mop and do it yourself… or would you get a cleaner.. By the way they’re not always around if you need them. Thus, for a change take off that CEO jacket or take of those beautiful high heels.. and mop your office floor at ease.. But while you’re doing that observe people looking at you… And imagine their thoughts…”See who’s cleaning!” You will set the trend. Each one will clean up after themselves and feel great about it..

    At least then the cleaners can get through there own task every day and be happier because they don’t have to cleanup behind others.. With this you contribute to a better world and work enviroment…

  2. Hi Bill, I am trying very hard to be a change agent(at work i am called an influencer) not easy, you become a target. The ratio of positve/negative is so high that I sometimes feel that all my efforts are in vain. At church is my hardest struggle, to get the members just to add two songs to the normal praise and worship. I am also preaching the power of giving.

    1. Hi Vinita

      Don’t get despondent. Most people feel uncomfortable with change – either because they genuinely fear it, or because they resent the fact that someone else and not they are the architects of a meaningful change! None of the great changes that were brought about in the world were achieved easily. Look within for your strength.

      Best wishes 🙂

    2. Hi Vinita

      The easiest way to change is to see, it before it happen. Get a clear image of what you want. Lets use the two Songs you want add to your praise and worship. In your mind see the the board/screen where the songs reflects every Sunday or time you visit. Imagine it on there. And say this words. “Thank for adding this to songs on the Praise and Worship list” (to your self) Keep on with it. Feel it, experience it… And believe it… Beware, of people.. try to keep your thought to yourself.

      Thoughts become things… Just, believe. And see it as real…

      On the work side. Decide every morning what you want to accomplish. For instance you want to attract only positive people. Think that… feel that.. experience it… Don’t try to reason with a negative person, you will use up your energy. The better you get with your wish list every day the bigger leaps you take but for now. work on smaller things. You will get it quickly, because you have the Power of Jesus with you…
      A atitude of gratitude is very important, always remember to use thank you for the change and your current blessings. Be happy and you will see many changes…

      Be Blessed…

  3. If only we could all attain such level of awareness, a lot more positive change would be possible in this world of ours. Thanks for the article Bill, it has awakened something inside me I once knew existed.

  4. WOW ! So true and yet so many of us are still not living the lives we were created for because the answer to the universal question of “What is my true purpose and calling in life” seems to evade us, drowned out by the constant and very necessary pursuit of a guaranteed income at the end of the month jsut to sustain the life of mediocrity that most of people have come to accept as their lot in life. I’ve always known in my heart of hearts that God uniquely crafted ME to help other women – particularly downtrodden women, women who have been in abusive relationships and robbed of their belief in themselves because of the unique characteristics, skills and strenght of character the He has gifted me with. And although I’ve not got all the answers yet, I KNOW I can positively affect and help to change lives for the good, and starting with myself, in the small daily ways that I can, is the obvious place to start – with my attitude of gratitude, daily conscious awareness and unreserved willingness to change – the rest will follow ! It’s a journey – not a destination, and one that I’m planning on enjoying more along the way !
    Sue – Durban, South Africa

  5. Let’s just do it. I’d like this kind of talk/discussions to be published all over the Internet. Let’s get people talking. Their are so much talent, so much ability and so much passion out there, but seemingly not enough opportunity. The latter is not true. If you can’t find opportunities, create them. People will be surprised to find out what they are really capable of. Knowledge is not reserved. I asked a few questions on my lifestyle blog, giving no answers and I’m waiting for it to explode. Let us share and be kind, keeping the good to yourself will never result in peace of mind. And, lastly, love is nothing if you do not give it away.

    Thanks Bill,

  6. God has given us each a unique gift, to be able to coach and help people build themselves into who and what they were created to be is like saying you have given your utmost for his highest.

  7. Absolutely Bill!

    I am on a passionate mission to guide, assist, help and facilitate others to become aware of the idea that we have the opportunity to create ourself in every moment! By creating and finding the blance in your life that change brings you are both ready for change and can also manage change more effectively.

    I am all for change! And agree with Neale Donald Walsch: “When Everything Changes Change Everything”

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