Join the Evolution

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American author Robert Byrnes, who died in 2016, is credited with a number of powerful and often quite humorous quotes.

“The purpose of life is a life of purpose”

is one of my favourites and one that we regularly refer to in the New Insights life coach training and certification programme.

In fact, it goes to heart of our belief about the place that life coaching should have in the process of evolution that we believe to be a driving force in the Universe.

Transactional life coaching

Life coaching is seen by many as an intervention aimed at helping people to overcome obstacles to achieve their goals. This is done by considering the desired outcome in the context of the current reality and then, after considering the available options, designing a way forward.

One or more sessions or ‘transactions’ between coach and client are required to effectively break the inertia and set the client on the path to achieving his or her chosen objective.

Transactional life coaching, or what we at New Insights call free-form coaching, certainly has its place and can be wonderfully effective in resolving situations in which clients feel ‘stuck’, overwhelmed, or in need of inspiration.

Transformational life coaching

But, at New Insights, we believe there is far, far more to life coaching than occasional interventions that provide direction and boost productivity in the short term.

We believe that the fundamental goal of truly effective life coaching should be to help individuals to identify – and start to live in accordance with – their unique purposes in life.

This requires a process of personal transformation that goes well beyond goal setting and identifying a plan of action to achieve that goal.

Transformational life coaching, as promoted by New Insights, involves taking clients on a journey of self discovery, to understand with great clarity what really makes them tick and to realise the extent to which their actions and behaviours have been influenced, not by their true passions, but by a seemingly chaotic, demanding and largely ambivalent external world.

Evolution and life purpose

At the heart of New Insights’ philosophy is our belief that evolution is a primary driving force in the Universe. Each of us is here, not by accident, but as part of a grand plan in which we are each perfectly equipped to play a unique role, should we choose to.

The reward for following that pre-defined purpose, is to experience all the happiness, joy and fulfilment that life is designed to offer us.

On the other hand, by choosing to ignore or avoid following our purpose – either consciously or not – we risk ongoing frustration, disillusionment and lack of fulfilment.

Freedom of choice

If evolution is a driving force in the Universe, why does our world appear to be regressing on so many fronts? you may quite rightly ask.

The answer, I believe, is rooted in our freedom of choice.

Become part of the evolution solution

On a positive note, I believe the increasingly serious challenges that humanity faces on so many fronts are driving more and more people to want to be part of the solution, that is evolution.

Perhaps you have become frustrated with life and fed up with worrying about what the future holds?

Perhaps it is time for you to follow your purpose, evolve, grow and, in the process, equip yourself with the knowledge, skills and tools to help others do likewise?

Perhaps your future lies in bringing greater personal freedom, confidence and growth to people from all walks of life, as a well respected, certified life coach?

If so, New Insights would love to hear from you and help you to make it happen 🙂

6 thoughts on “Join the Evolution”

  1. Bill, it is a great blog, you hit the nail right on the head, be all that God created s to be. I have found that more than not I am my biggest stumbling block, if we free ourselves from our shackles of the past, which for some unknown reason we hang on to, maybe they are comforting us in a weird way so we hold on to them. For me I stand on the promises of God. The tools New Insights equip us with, are only as good as we want them to be in our lives. They have blessed me, and the people I share them with. Thanks

  2. What a lovely post about New Insights Coaching, Bill. ‘Be part of the evolution solution’, I absolutely love that phrase.

    1. Thank you so much Tania,

      You’re the first commentor after a week. I was beginning to think I may have unwittingly written something offensive 🙂

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