Keep Chasing Your Dreams

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For the loyal readers out there who have been wondering why the uncharacteristically long delay between posts, let me apologise and assure you there is a good reason.

That reason has everything to do with the topic of today’s post, as you will find out. Please read on (or listen up!) …

A dream fulfilled

On Friday, Jenni and I returned home from Bali, Indonesia, where we spent the past ten weeks fulfilling a long held dream.

A fascination for island living

For as long as I can remember, we have both shared a fascination for island living. In the days of my corporate life we were privileged to enjoy time holidaying in the likes of Mauritius, the Caribbean, the Balearics, the Greek islands and the Maldives.

The time always seemed too short, though. No sooner had we settled into the island rhythm than it was time to return to so-called ‘normal’ life.

Since becoming self employed, the experience of island living has largely eluded us. But, in 2018, with a major birthday looming, we jumped at the chance to book a celebratory four-week trip to Bali.

Under Bali’s spell

We were intrigued and soon fell under Bali’s spell. It was quite unlike any of the other island destinations we had visited.

For a start, it’s a sizeable island with a great deal of diversity.

Beaches vary from powder white sand in the south west to pitch black volcanic sand in the north and east and varying shades in between. The flat and low lying lands in the south and south west are in stark contrast to the dramatic, steep foothills of the volcanoes in the north and north east. The rural tranquility that characterises large parts of the island gives way to an almost manic hustle and bustle in the most popular tourist spots and surfer havens.

On the downside, one doesn’t have to venture too far to experience some serious traffic congestion. Kamikaze scooter riders weave in and out and, where pavements do exist, they take full advantage, frequently forcing pedestrians to dive for cover.

A developing nation

Indonesia is a developing nation and Bali has its fair share of economically impoverished people, despite all of the tourism. Somewhat surprisingly, given the culture, there is a lot of unsightly litter in places. Thanks to the heat and humidity, this occasionally gives rise to some unpleasant odours.

However, any downsides are easily overlooked. There is a positive attraction to Bali that is hugely inviting. It is grounded in the people and their happy, loving and respectful culture.

People are addictive

Quite frankly, the people are addictive. We had never met such polite, friendly and hospitable people, anywhere. Not once during our time there in 2018 (or during our most recent extended visit) did we come across anyone who was anything less than super friendly, courteous and respectful. The core values of the locals render crime virtually non existent, making Bali one of the safest destinations you can imagine.

Island of the Gods

Jenni and I both felt a natural affinity to the people of Bali, along with a strong spiritual connection to the unique island, often referred to by the locals as the ‘Island of the Gods’.

Despite the craziness that characterises the roads, Bali is a vibrant, yet amazingly laid back place. It is a semi-permanent home to artistic types, surfers, yoga teachers and students, digital nomads, and even coaches from all over the world who take advantage of high speed internet connections to promote their businesses and manage their relationships with their clients.

On returning home we both agreed that in Bali, we had found an island that truly resonated with us; a place where we could enjoy a slightly quirky, yet relaxed and respectful attitude to life, while still being effective at continuing our beloved New Insights work.

A counterintuitive move

In mid 2020, as the world found itself in a meltdown thanks to the pandemic, we chose to take an approach that seemed totally counterintuitive to many of our friends.

We took a big chunk of our life savings and invested in a villa in the increasingly popular tourist destination called Canggu. Or, more accurately, I should say that we invested in the promise of a villa, based on an architect’s drawing and a friendly South African developer introduced to us by a fellow coach and coach trainer.

Not without challenges

Our venture to realise a dream of a second home in another country was not without its serious challenges.

For one thing, thanks to the pandemic, the villa was only completed in early 2022. Despite the delay, we still could not visit until very recently, thanks to lingering COVID travel restrictions. We had to make a final completion payment on the basis of a quick video inspection done via a mobile phone in the shaky old hands of our trusted developer.

On the bright side, this served to impress upon us the value and importance of a positive intent coupled with complete trust in the process.

Very empty

So, finally, at the end of July, we were able to set foot in our new villa for the very first time. Though small and compact, it was beautifully built in a pleasingly modern yet Balinese style.

That said, it was very empty!

Take it from me that furnishing and equipping a home in a foreign country is not for the feint hearted. It takes time, money, creativity, flexibility and resilience.

Luckily, the island gods smiled down on us and, somehow, we made it happen!

New Insights

Thanks to some very special people that we work with at New Insights, we were able to bring our dream to reality without sacrificing the interests of our trainees and coaches in any significant way, other than having to suspend writing of these blog posts for a little while!

Right now, Jenni and I are getting over the jet lag, while feeling very proud of what we have achieved. We really can’t wait to get back to our new second home in Bali before too long.

Never give up

But I write this not to trumpet our achievement but rather to encourage you never to give up on your own dreams, no matter how big or small they may be and regardless of the degree and nature of the ‘headwinds’ you may believe you are facing.

We have proven our own coaching conviction that the universe rewards those who have the courage to cast doubt and fear aside, set their intention, and go after what they want.

Happiness comes from fulfilment. Fulfilment comes from leading a meaningful life. Meaning comes from having a purpose. And if purpose is the canvas, then dreams are the brush strokes that together make up the painting that adorns the canvas.

Don’t give up. Keep chasing your dreams and they will ultimately manifest!

8 thoughts on “Keep Chasing Your Dreams”

    1. Thanks so much Annette. We certainly live in troubled times … but such times have their roots in human mindsets and actions and are not what the universe/creator wants for us. Its not easy but we have the free will to choose to take action change that which undermines our prosperity and happiness.

  1. Congratulations to you and Jenni on your new second home! As I listened to the podcast, I could not help but marvel at how I needed a message like this today! Thank you so much for this encouragement! You are setting a great example, also in that it was not instant gratification, but that you waited.
    May you keep on influencing lives, certainly a great example to follow.

  2. Congratulations, Bill and Jenny. What great role models you are in the work that you do. Nothing worthwhile is ever achieved without hard work. It is said that the key to success is neither talent nor intelligence, but perseverance. What an inspiring story for all who take the time to read it. The benefits of building resilience are lifechanging. What finer way to build resilience than coaching? It is when we ask for help from a coach and when we feel supported by that coach, that we reach our true potential.

  3. Thank you for this inspiring post Bill! It is always great to be encouraged by real-life examples of people making their dreams come true by manifesting them through appropriate action steps and having faith that they will realise.
    Thank you that you and Jenni are walking your talk.
    It makes me proud to be affiliated with such a great company!
    I have renewed vigour to pursue my dreams and goals and see them become real.

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