Listen to your inner voice

Home » Listen to your inner voice

Let’s face it. Most of us have been brought up to believe that the answers to life’s challenges lie ‘out there somewhere’.

“Someone out there will have come up with a solution, it’s just a matter of finding it,” is a common way in which most of us respond to the issues and problems that we face.

After all, that’s how marketing works. “Find a need and fill it,” is the fundamental philosophy we are taught in Marketing 101.

People will pay good money to find a solution to their problems and, nowadays we are so stressed and time poor that we’re easily tempted by anything that offers a short cut or a ‘quick fix’ to get us what we want.

[box type=\”shadow\”]\”Your mind knows only some things. Your inner voice, your instinct, knows everything. If you listen to what you know instinctively, it will always lead you down the right path.\”

– Henry Winkler[/box]



Listen to your inner voice (continued)


In pursuit of silver bullets

You’ve seen the advertisements that play to this mentality:

“Drop two waist sizes in just six weeks.”
“Instantly look ten years younger with this simple exercise.”
“The one minute miracle cure for just about any disease.”
“Build instant wealth with this access to this little known secret.”

We’ve become so accustomed to being told that there’s a silver bullet out there to fix anything in our lives that we spend our lives searching our external world for that which we think will bring happiness and contentment.

As money is the world’s chosen commodity for exchange, the pursuit of it becomes an end in itself for many as more money means more silver bullets.

Too blinded to look within

In our frantic search for silver bullets we become ‘blinded’ to what we instinctively know in our hearts – that all the solutions to our personal problems lie within.

And the end result is rising frustration, discontent, resentment and even anger at our inability to progress towards finding the joy and contentment that we so desire.

A matter of trust

Each of us is a true marvel, equipped with powers that can bring us exactly what we want in life. But most of us are reluctant to believe or trust in our own inbuilt capabilities, preferring to place our trust in the outside world for answers.

In a previous post, The Universe Wide Web, I explained how science is beginning to come to terms with the fact that we are all naturally, though subconsciously, ‘wired’ into a universal repository of all the knowledge that has ever existed.

On the inside … not ‘out there’

In other words, we literally have the answers to all our questions at our fingertips. We just need to learn how to connect with this repository.

The answer lies in what I call the “inner voice”. Some may prefer to call it the “voice of the heart”, the “inner wisdom” or even the “gut instinct”. However you like to refer to it, it is unquestionably on the inside, not ‘out there’ somewhere!

So, if we possess an all knowing guidance system of sorts, how do we connect with it and how do we best use it to bring happiness and contentment?

Five steps to reconnect

The first step is to make a conscious decision to change the way you think about life, to accept that the answers lie within and to work to rediscover this amazing gift.

The next step is to resolve to take personal responsibility for your life by accepting that your life is the way you create it, not something beyond your control that you can at best react to.

You are the table tennis bat, not the ball. You can control the direction you take and the speed with which you move there.

The third step is to ‘tune into’ and ‘turn up the volume’ of your inner voice.

You can do this by gradually ‘tuning out’ the external distractions that make you rush around like a headless chicken as you try to keep up with life out there.

Become calmer, more centred and present. Start living in the moment, enjoying each moment and each day for what it is and for the opportunities afforded to you to grow and develop as a person.

Step four is to trust and respond to your inner voice by having the courage to take the actions that it prescribes.

Small actions are easier to take and small actions lead to bigger actions. Take things one small step at a time but never be afraid to take that first step.

The final step is to relax and learn to ‘go with the flow’ that is set in motion through your actions.

Be grateful for what comes to you. Reflect on how you are able to grow and develop as a person. Keep strengthening that connection with your inner voice.

Within easy reach

Remember that you have a natural inbuilt guidance system that will help you to make the choices and take the actions that are best for you and that will help you to discover and carry out your life’s purpose.

A joyful life is within easy reach!


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12 thoughts on “Listen to your inner voice”

  1. This is your best post ever, Bill. How utterly inspiring! It echoes my sentiment that all the answers lie within us. It is my view, thanks to my meditation teacher’s guidance, that the key to lasting happiness is inner peace, and that the key to inner peace is learning how to calm one’s mind. It is a philosophy which is the very antithesis of the one that the world promotes.

  2. This is very relevant in today’s world. I find more and more that people don’t want to take responsibility for themselves but rather want “someone” else to take the blame and fix the problem.

    As you illustrate above, not my fault I am over weight or stressed or bought the wrong product etc.

    This seems to go for our everyday lives as well as the state of our lives in general.

    1. Yes, indeed Geoff. It may seem like an easy way out but it just leads to a life of great frustration because it seems like we have no control over our life and are simply walking a ‘random path’ trying to dodge the obstacles along the way. With taking responsibility comes a sense of control over our destiny … and a feeling of liberation!

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