Reinvent Yourself

Home » Reinvent Yourself

They say necessity is the mother of invention. Over the last two weeks I have also learnt that crisis is the mother of reinvention!

Don’t be alarmed. It’s not as if I have been beset by any affliction or tragedy.

No, fortunately nothing like that. But I have spent the vast majority of the past ten days wrestling with the effects of a systems crash that left New Insights without access to desktop based email, calendars and a host of crucial information needed for operational purposes.

Of course we rigorously back up our data on a daily basis. However, this brought me little comfort when I realised that the backups had been corrupted by the very same virus or digital gremlin that eventually precipitated the crash!

I’m pleased to say that with the assistance of a wonderful lady guru from the West Coast of the US (her remote location requiring us to put in some early mornings and late nights) things are slowly returning to ‘business as usual’ status.

As the light slowly appeared at the end of a very scary tunnel, and my breathing began to return to normal, I indulged in some serious reflection about what positive messages could be taken out of this little ‘crisis’.

Perhaps the biggest lesson that was rammed home to me is the need to constantly reinvent what you do, how you do things – and, by implication – who you are as a person or a business or both.

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\”The reinvention of daily life means marching off the edge of our maps.\”

– Bob Black



Reinvent yourself (continued)

Why fix what aint broke?

There is a saying that goes: “If it aint broke don’t fix it” but in the longer term, if you don’t continually look to ‘fix’ or, shall we rather say, ‘reinvent’ what you do, things will stop working, as I – and my company – have just been reminded.

With a brand new year under way, I suggest this is a great time for all of us to engage in a little reinvention.

Towards more enjoyment of life

How can we do things differently, yet better? How can we promote ourselves and our businesses differently, yet better? How can we adopt a different, yet better attitude to life and to those around us? How can we change things so each unit of effort expended produces more abundant returns allowing us to enjoy life more?

An amazing book

The year before last, my son bought me a Christmas present in the form of an amazing book called ‘The four hour work week’ by Timothy Ferris. I can thoroughly recommend it to anyone who wants further stimulation to start the reinvention process.

I read it during the holidays and found it thoroughly inspirational and thought provoking but I admit to falling into the old trap that I love to write about, namely getting caught up in the post holidays day-to-day routine of work and life without putting the valuable learning into practice.

Here we are twelve months later and The four hour work week is very much back in prime position on my desk having been dusted off ready for a serious re-read!

One of the fundamental truths that I remember Ferris banging on about is this:

Always someone out there

There is always someone out there in this big wide world that can do things that you need to do but either don’t like doing or are not best suited to – and who can do them more effectively, efficiently or economically than you can.

Take my friend on the US West Coast as an example. She knows things about IT, databases and data recovery techniques that would take me years to learn (if only I had the ability).

Reinvention requires you to think out of the box. It also requires you to have a specific attitude towards spending money.

Costs versus investments

You see, there are costs and then there are investments. To bring about a positive reinvention you need to understand the difference very clearly.

The time spent working with the US expert to recover data in order to get back to business as usual was a cost – a necessary cost of course. But the money spent picking her brains for strategies to reinvent the way we work and prevent the same problem recurring in future was very definitely an investment.

Never be scared to dole out your hard earned money if the end result is a welcome reinvention of who you are, what you do or how you do it.

And finally …

So, here’s my advice:

If you’re a life coach, don’t be afraid to invest in improving your skills, tapping into your networks for new ideas and thinking, and outsourcing the administrative side of your practice.

If you’ve been thinking about becoming a life coach, invest in a high quality, comprehensive training programme that will return the cost many times over in the years to come. (I can recommend one 🙂 )

If neither of the above apply to you, why not invest in the services of a quality life coach who is professionally trained to help you reinvent yourself and your life.

Please don’t sit about waiting for the crash to come (it can be very painful).

Take steps now to reinvent yourself and embark on a new, more productive and more enjoyable life!
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20 thoughts on “Reinvent Yourself”

  1. Thanks Bill,
    I have just been through a crisis at work, it seems the only way i learn is when it hits my pocket. In my quiet times God told me that i am not working to my full potential, not something a person likes to hear, but by opening my mind to use what i have inside, in one week i designed a set of work sheets that will eliminate the possibility of it happening in the future. If the crisis had not happened, i would not have stretched my self. I have come to realize, just as you did, it makes you think out the box. It was no use blaming others, if i look back, i unwittingly let it happen. My friend has a saying, In God i trust, the rest pay cash, rely on you Godly intuition.

  2. Yet another inspiring post Bill, one that confirms that the universe/God is forever relaying messages of hope that one can never lose in this “game” called life. It is really how you choose to play and constantly improve and better yourself with the tools we’ve been given. Intuition,thoughts,fellow human beings who are forever inspiring us to reinvent ourselves thereby reinventing our world. Thank you again Bill

  3. Thanks for another useful blog, Bill! I was immediately reminded, by the title, of that excellent book every coach (and person) can benefit from, namely, The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life(2000) by the Zanders. No doubt many reading this blog are already familiar with the book, though others may not be. The book is well-written and a juicy collection of superb practices that connect with many key aspects relating to human life and how each of one of us are invited to bring about meaningful and sustainable transformations, and open ourselves to wonderful ‘possibilities’, rather than being locked into or stuck in ‘problems’, ‘crises’ or ‘older ways of doing things’. Especially, in light of what you speak about above – ‘Reinvent Yourself’, readers may well wish to read the First Practice in The Art of Possibility – ‘It’s All Invented’ for further insight and stimulation. This tantalising quote from the chapter to whet the appetite:”Every problem, every dilemma, every dead end we find ourselves facing in life, only appears unsolvable inside a particular frame or point of view. Enlarge the box, or create another frame around the data, and problems vanish, while new opportunities appear.” Best wishes to you, your coaches and readers for a 2015 of great possibilities!

    1. Thanks a lot for this Roger. I have no doubt many readers will find this very useful. I love the ‘inside a particular frame’ reference!

  4. Bill – love this message. I don’t know if this is the right place to comment but for a while now when I press ‘read more’ on your blog it has taken me to some scammy site and it happened again with this post. Could this be part of the computer problem you’ve been having, or some virus? Regards, Sarah

    1. This is the right place Sarah and I’m afraid I have no idea about the ‘scammy site’ you are being redirected to. I haven’t heard of this problem before but I think it could be something to do with a virus on your machine. It is definitely not connected to the problems we have been experiencing which are all Microsoft Office related.

  5. A very meaningful message, Bill, because it is based on a personal experience. Thank you for passing on the lessons that you’ve learnt from it. The most profound part of this particular blog, was your explanation of cost versus investments. Learning how to make wise decision is a worthwhile skill for us all to develop. This usually involves thorough research and consulting with those who are experts in their field.

  6. Excellent – I love the TRY acronym. I keep suggesting to people who moan about the power outages to re invent the way they do things so they can take advantage of the situation rather than moan.

    When it came to New Year, I really didn’t know what I wanted from 2015 to I decided to reinvent myself. I did this by writing a new job description and now everything is falling into place. Life Coaching makes it REAL!

  7. It was in 2013 when I asked a friend in South Africa if she knew an institution that train life coaches, and she referred me to New Insights. I have ben following you since then, and now I am glad to say I am re – inventing. Just like Abgail, I will be starting my training as a Life Coach beginning of February. I am truly grateful to have located you to help me re – invent.

  8. Your article is very relevant to the phase that i am currently going through in my life, as i am also looking for ways to re-invent myself and one of them is to register with new insights to kick start my life coaching career.

  9. Thank you a milion times. This message so confirms what I have been struggling with the past few months.
    The one life changing book I have read on new years this year is “Understanding your potential” by Myles Munroe.
    It changed the way I now view myself and others and I now know that we can only grow and become more as a human being if we constantly challenge ourselves to live out more of our potential. If we stagnate, we do not only not grow any more, but we actually regress.
    My new years wish for every body is to live out their full potential. Living out your full potential is not just bringing yourself to the place where true happiness can be found, but also enriches every body’s life around you. Here is to a here of reaching unlimited hights.

    1. Immediately while i was reading this i was thinking how the smallest of smallest crisis can turn into a reinvention. With the economy you as the mother must come up with effective ways to make ends meet. I am a single parent and worked my whole life to support and keep my family alive and well at all times. Making meals out of nothing make me an inventor. My kids “now living there own lives” still think of me as the inventor of meals that works. I might not be an astronaut but what I know is that I can invent. God made us thinkers, even though not on the same levels but each one in his own space.

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