Responding to Your Calling

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In a recent post, Living in Interesting Times, I suggested that there is a very important benefit arising from the current global crisis.

That benefit is more time to reflect and rethink what we are doing, how we are doing it, why, and what changes might be desirable.

For some, this period of introspection has led to a complete reassessment of what they regard as most important in life.

Many have questioned what their true calling is and whether that which has sucked their time and energy over the years has moved them towards, or further away from their passion and their purpose.

Craig Murray

Just the other day, I was alerted to a new post on our online forum.

All new trainee life coaches are encouraged to write a brief introduction when they join our community. I always enjoy reading the snippets and offering a few words of welcome.

This one, from Craig Murray of Krugersdorp, South africa, caught my eye purely because of its length.

As I started to read the post, I began to appreciate that this was a far more than a brief introduction. Craig had chosen to share the story of how he had come to respond to his calling. And, in my opinion, he did so with real enthusiasm and authenticity.

With Craig’s kind permission, I decided to share this with you today in the hope that it may act as a catalyst or motivation for you to connect with – or respond to – your own calling in life.

Over to you, Craig … (I’ve added the subheadings):

Part of the family

“I am excited and privileged to introduce myself to the forum community and be a part of the New Insights family!

I want to share with you, in short, my journey to making the decision to take action and become a New Insights certified life coach. It’s a bit of a read, but I feel sure there is much you can relate to.

Nowhere to hide

When something is your calling, is your purpose, there is no running from it and no way to hide from it. The clues and calls to action will present themselves over and over again. One simply has to recognise it for what it is, heed the call and take action … or else, always be left with the feeling that something is missing.

You have to love the greater wisdom and poetry set in motion by fate and destiny!

My search for meaning

I have had a varied vocational history, one that, in hindsight, mirrors my search for meaning, which has always been a strong theme in my life. I have held positions from Marketing Manager to Business Development Manager and Project Manager and currently I am the CEO and Founder of Rockstar Recruitment, a generalist Recruitment Agency.

I grew up in a household where my parents divorced when I was still young and I found myself playing the child-parent much of the time, unfortunately having to be the peace-maker in many instances. I took it upon myself to fulfil this role, none the wiser, until I reached my early 20s.

I always seemed to be the one that friends and colleagues wanted to chat to about their deep personal issues. Something I found really odd was how total strangers would open up to me, on a very personal level, sharing information on their various issues and struggles as though they just needed someone to talk to.

I often felt bewildered that people would share such intimate info with me. I even found myself questioning their motives for doing so.

Towards my destiny

Little did I know, however, that all of this was actually moving me towards my destiny.

I have always been fascinated by what drives people, their emotions and behaviours. In hindsight, perhaps I should have chosen to study psychology rather than a BA in Marketing and Business Management!

Creating the changes

When I first became aware of life coaching as a vocation, I thought it a rather abstract and vague concept and practice.

However, I soon became privileged to gain exposure to a number of professional life coaching interactions. Since the age of 20 I have been working with several life coaches in different areas to create the changes I have been seeking.

With the knowledge of what life coaching really is, and the amazing change it can bring about in a person’s life, and given that people were always coming to me, seeking answers on how to solve their problems, I decided to become a life coach and channel my knowledge and abilities to help others in a meaningful way.

Disembarking … temporarily

I signed up for the New Insights programme back in 2008, or thereabouts, but unfortunately did not manage to complete the certification requirements. It was a crazy time in my life and I just didn’t give this gem of an opportunity the time it needed.

I had disembarked from a life-altering journey but I knew that was only temporary.

Destiny – it’s a funny thing!

Starting a business

In my search for meaning, I started a business. I wanted to be my own boss, be in charge of my own destiny, make some good money and leave a legacy for my children!

What an amazing roller-coaster journey that has been.

From a business and personal growth perspective, I have experienced an unbelievably steep learning curve. It has taught me so much about myself, life, people, what I am capable of and the fact that I can break through limits I had previously imagined as firm barriers.

Running a small business in South Africa is not a pastime for wimps, I can assure you of that! The recruitment market is also extremely competitive. Nonetheless, I’ll happily admit that it’s been a very empowering time for me.

Something still missing

Although this part of my journey has been extremely fulfilling, at some point I came to the realisation that I had reached a ceiling in my personal growth. Something was still missing.

It dawned on me that the part of my business that excites me the most is where I get to help people find good jobs, better jobs, dream jobs. Having that sort of impact – and helping change a person’s life in such a substantial way – is something I find extremely satisfying and rewarding.

Life coaching!

In my thoughts, I started asking the universe to connect me with my life purpose again and I soon found that little voice in the back of my head shouting out … LIFE COACHING!

Towards the end of 2019, my business took a turn for the worse after a series of events. I worked my butt off to try to improve the situation in 2020 and things did start to look up, at least until the Coronavirus pandemic hit. Need I say more!

With a lockdown imminent and the prospect of a lot more free time on my hands, I decided to take action and re-enrol in the New Insights life coach training programme, which, by this time, had been substantially improved and updated.

No more excuses

I saw this as my chance to take my foot off of the economic, “I must make money before all else to look after my family, accelerator”, follow my dream again and do what I was put on this earth to do … no more excuses, no more distractions – I just needed to take the leap!

As I write this, I am well into the course content and miles ahead of the point I reached in my previous attempt to qualify.

I like to maintain the mantra that life is about balance and that mother nature, in all her wisdom, will always find a way to maintain that balance.

Space and time to get back on the path

This lockdown has taken a toll on many, my family included, but It has also provided me with the opportunity to jump-start my studies and allowed me space and time to get back on the path to my life’s purpose, something I put off for too long!

Everything happens for a reason and destiny’s timing is perfect.

My calling

I believe I can add far more value to my practice and future clients with the life experience I now have. Life coaching is truly something special and it’s an honour for me to say that this is my calling.

I look forward to coaching and helping others to follow their dreams, to find their purposes in life, to live free and enjoy inner peace!”

16 thoughts on “Responding to Your Calling”

  1. Hi Craig, What a lovely inspiring and so meaningful story. There are messages in there for us all.

    I too feel that call and although I work for an organisation as well as running a part time coaching practice, the lock down which I’m still fortunate to be working through, has also given me an opportunity. It was like a bolt out of the blue and I decided to put a plan together for leaving my job. I’m currently embarking on some online marketing training and will put in place this training as action to move fwds.

    I am passionate about coaching and have been coaching over 15 years BUT what came to me as insight last week is to follow my PURPOSE, to take this online, to share my skills, knowledge and life experience, on my terms and create a flexible business that allows me to embrace less working hours for someone else and MORE quality time for me and my family and to do what makes lights me up! Taking one step further forward than I do now.

    So I wish you well on your journey and great success too. Bon Voyage my friend!

  2. Great story Craig, I wish you all the success this journey can and will bring. Rooting for you all the way.

    1. Hi Karen

      Thanks, I really appreciate the support!. I am in awe and so grateful for this wonderful journey that we have been called to be on.

      All the best to you and your future endeavours.

      Take Care

    2. Hi Craig, thank you so much for sharing your journey with all of us I’m inspired to move forward now even though I’m not sure how to start but its always been my calling to became a life_coach with the help of Insight online training I will nailed it.I’m going to give it my all.

      1. Hi Basetsana

        Thats awesome! Just one step in the right direction is all you need; things will never be the same and that small step cannot be undone. It will set the chain of events in motion that will move you closer to your destiny.

        It will be a challenge and will be tough but stay true to it and be kind to yourself throughout.

        Get in touch with me if you ever need to chat or are looking for some motivation or inspiration!

        Rooting for you all the way!

  3. Desire Theunissen

    This totally resonates.

    Thank you for sharing your story Craig, it relates and I find it inspiring.

    1. Hello Desire

      Awesome! Glad that is resonates with you and has added some value.

      It was never my intention to have my intro published on this blog, but I am so glad that Bill came across it and knew that others would find value and motivation in my journey.

      Wishing you all the best for a blessed and purpose driven life!


  4. Magdeline Martin

    Hi Craig, Thank you. This is truly inspiring. I have a love for people, and working towards certification. On several organisations I’ve wanted to give up because of work load and the pressures of live. Reading your Journey has just made me more exciting about fullfilling my dream of been a life coach

    Thank you,

    1. Hi Magdeline

      Fantastic to hear! Go, go, go and don’t let anything hold you back!

      The world needs more Life Coaches, now more than ever.

      Stay true to your path, your inner voice and purpose – it takes a lot of courage to chase your dreams, I commend you.

      All the best to you on your adventure 🙂

      Take care.

  5. Craig’s story is inspiring. I used not to see how life coaching can become a career in this google age where superior solutions from google seem always handy. Zimbabwe is particularly awash with people who think they are strategy gurus, thereby rendering the field of consultancy and strategy rather unrewarding and does not keep one busy. So instead of enrolling for the life coaching course the first time I got to know about it about three years ago, I decided to enrol for a taught DBL Programme in the hope that I can join lectureship and consultancy, for I feel I am a teacher cum adviser by nature. I will see how adding life coaching can help my cause, especially now that I really need to be self sufficient, yet independent.

    1. Hi Japhet

      Glad you derived value from my story.
      There is such a fantastic opportunity for you to start a new trend and be at the forefront of a coaching movement in Zim.

      It is such an interesting field of study and in my humble opinion the only way to take knowledge of how human beings work, how to get them to create and sustain massive change and provide the correct platform for constant support and motivation.
      This powerful combination guarantees results!

      One might have all the info and knowhow but every once in a while, one needs a kick up one’s behind to overcome inertia and someone to be held accountable to, other than oneself, to achieve goals! There is no substitute here for a coach ?

      It is an exercise in education and information about Life Coaching, which is still a relatively new concept in Africa, on the whole.

      I would recommend downloading the free eBook from the New Insights website with the explanation of what life coaching is about, if you have not already.

      Give it some more thought and investigate further, you will not be sorry!

      Take care.

  6. Thank you, Bill, for deciding to publish Craig’s inspiring story. I realized, sitting opposite my coach in 2011, while still gainfully employed in a highly successful and lucrative position as a financial advisor, that becoming a life coach was exactly what I wanted to do. I had found what I had been searching for. It is my passion, my purpose and my calling. I have been a New Insights Pro Life Coach for almost 7 years now. It is the most fulfilling role I have ever played, second only to that of being a parent.

  7. Trudie Matthysen

    Wow, yes I can relate to your story Craig.

    The search for purpose, the struggle for balance, the feeling that something is missing. I’m also in the process of completing my New Insights certification, fortunately still within my timeframe, but moving from one project to another, with each one being more important and the deadlines tighter than the previous, I have had to cancel my theory exam 2x. This with great frustration but defining meaning.

    The lockdown came just in time. For me! Just before total burnout! Although I’m still working from home, I’m able to spend dedicated time on my certification and I’m close to completion now.

    All the best to you Craig. Looking forward to reading more about your journey as it unfolds.

    Thanks for sharing this Bill. It is so encouraging, to the point that I had that “fist punch into the air YES moment”!

  8. Frans Steyn

    Craig, what an amazing story. I am getting goosebumps reading this as it is almost exactly what is about to happen to me.

    I enrolled for this life coach course during 2013 and for many reasons and excuses never completed it.

    My frustration with my own situation was slowly building to a peak up until 2 year ago when I (similar to your previous experience) come to realise that I love to interact with people on a more emotional and psychological level.

    I started studying psychology and I am positive to complete my honors degree at the end of next year. My journey has been absolutely fascinating. I met with a very good life coach a few months ago (also trained through New Insights) and then suddenly everything came together.

    I have decided (during this lockdown) period, that by the end of next year if I am alive and well, to be at a point where I want to registered as a counsellor and a qualified life coach through New Insights.

    I am almost 61 year young and are as exited as can be. My main aim and purpose is to be and become more of who I really am and to start giving back to society and my community. Time is of the essence.

    Bill and Craig, I thank you for this message which fills me with gratitude.

    1. Frans, you go for it youngster! I am 64 years young and also on the journey, what a great ride this is. Yes, time is of the essence, that is why this ball is rolling fast and with determination.

      Success and be blessed as you bless others with purpose.

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