Ten Questions That Will Change Your Life

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The New Insights Life Coaching System is designed around a proprietary model, with the acronym I-N-S-I-G-H-T-S and is transformational in its effect.

The ten questions that follow, go to the heart of the model and provide a glimpse of its application in coaching.

Take time to reflect on – and answer – these questions one at a time in the order given. Do so completely honestly and truthfully and you will start an amazing process of internal transformation that will surely leave you curious and wanting more!

Q1. Do I live a life that is generally in balance or out of balance?

At a fundamental level we are driven to get our basic needs met. Without going into detail, these basic needs are paired opposites.

Needs are such powerful motivators of behaviour that, to get them met, many of us will get drawn into activities that are, in the longer term, self destructive. In doing so we create an out-of-balance situation which tempts us to overcompensate by chasing after the opposite out-of-balance need.

Without being consciously aware of it, we perpetuate the lack of balance and life feels like a wild ride as we bounce from pillar to post.

Until we bring about balance through conscious and constructive actions and behaviours it is not possible to focus on the higher, more spiritual needs of personal growth and contribution.


Q2. Do I control what I choose to believe or do I allow my beliefs to control me?

Some people hold firmly entrenched convictions about all manner of things but never stop to think how and why they developed these convictions and whether those beliefs are truly serving their interests or not?

In our formative years we are pliable and easily influenced. Many of us go through life harbouring beliefs that we did not consciously choose but that were ingrained in us by educators, parents, peers, the media and so on.

Our beliefs are a potent force in shaping our lives. All the more vital then, that we take control. We can free ourselves from those beliefs that limit us and embrace those that bring us joy and happiness.


Q3. What, if anything, is holding me back from living the life I love?

If you are like most, your answer to this may well be the lack of some commodity, such as money, time or health. Or you may blame other people or situations.

It’s natural to point fingers at others or at situations that you believe are outside of your control. However, if you dig deeper, you’ll almost certainly uncover the root cause in the form of a limiting belief you hold about yourself or your abilities.


Q4. What is most important to me in life and why?

This is the question that starts the process of uncovering your authentic values.

Understanding, with great clarity, what is most important in life, or, in other words, that which you ascribe greatest value to, is something very few people give focused attention to in today’s frenzied world.

And yet, what could be more important than knowing with certainty, what states of being you feel most driven to experience?


Q5. How easy do I make it to experience that which I value most in life?

As we know all too well from life coaching, people have all sorts of unwritten rules about how and when they will allow themselves to experience (or live) their values.

We are inclined to be our worst enemies in this regard, reasoning that we should jump through impossible hoops before we can ‘earn the right’ to experience the very things we value most.


Q6. Am I really taking full personal responsibility for my life? If not, why not?

Blaming and justifying are techniques ingrained in the human egos. We try to transfer or deflect responsibility for less than desirable situations in our lives. Yet, in doing so, we unwittingly hand control of ours life to someone or something else.

At New Insights we like to punt the mantra: “If it is to be it is up to me.”

Only by taking full personal responsibility for your life can you enjoy the happiness that comes with freedom of knowing that you, and you alone, create your own destiny.


Q7. How do I choose to relate to people that I regard as very different to me?

You just have to read the news to understand just how big of a problem this is in the world.

Arguably, everyone will claim to relish the teeming diversity of fauna and flora on our planet. But not everyone feels the same way about members of our own species who look, speak or think differently!

Opening one’s mind to embrace and enjoy the huge diversity of cultures, ethnicities, languages, nationalities and economic groupings that exist in the world, can promote a feeling of harmony, contentment and inner peace.


Q8. Do I practice self love regularly and if not, why not?

When did you last look in the mirror and say “I love you”? When did you last lie in bed and feel gratitude for the amazing mind and physical body you have been endowed with?

If you are like most, you are likely to be hyper critical about yourself. And constant self-criticism will become a self fulfilling prophecy, ultimately manifesting in physical and mental health problems.


Q9. What do I regard as my biggest contribution to this world?

It’s important to understand how and in what way you are giving back to the world. Contribution is one of the highest human needs. We are all connected and all bear a responsibility for each other and our collective evolution in some small but important way.

Thinking about how and what you contribute can bring about important and positive shifts in the way you go about your life!


Q10. Why am I here?

What is your purpose in life?

At New Insights we believe that everyone comes to this earth with an important purpose to contribute to its evolution and the expansion of consciousness.

Sadly, most of us have become disconnected from that purpose as we get caught in the trap that is the materialistic, self-centred approach to life that we humans have chosen to adopt as the norm.

Breaking free from the demands and limitations of the external world and coming to terms with one’s purpose, and inner power to deliver on that purpose, is the most liberating and joyful pursuit you can imagine!

Thank you for reading this.

If you would like to experience the power of life coaching please visit our Life Coach Directory (in South Africa) or our Directory of Life Coaches* (in the UK) where you can find coaches skilled in transformational life coaching the New Insights way!

*The latter is a brand new facility in pilot mode. More coaches will be added in due course.

11 thoughts on “Ten Questions That Will Change Your Life”

  1. phineas lekganyane

    Wow Bill these questions are great because their answers lead to identity and responsibilities of a purposeful life

  2. These are superpower questions especially 2, 6 and 10. They should be written on our hearts. Thank you Bill!

  3. Dear Bill, thank you for the contribution you have made in our lives, we are better now and able to take responsibility for our actions and I feel my life has a purpose.

    “If it is to be, it is up to me” … that has changed my life and is still doing so.

    Thank you

  4. What a superbly inspiring philosophy, Bill. Thank you. This thought-provoking piece of writing emphasizes the fundamental role that questions play as the catalyst in the dynamic process of change, progress and growth. That process is so much more effective when we decide to partner with a coach.

    1. Excellent questions Bill! I enrolled into a Masters degree this year and we are encouraged to reflect and keep journals. I appreciate that I have done this coaching course as we were taught to keep reflection journals. The lesson is coming in handy? I have been reflecting a lot on balance, values, beliefs, purpose, taking responsibility and my contribution to this world.
      Keep up the good work New Insights it is not in vain?

  5. Siphiwe Khumalo

    Loves the 10 questions. What a non confrontational way to I trispect one. Looking forward to more blogs as they have ability to make me a better me.

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