The Gratitude Effect

Home ยป The Gratitude Effect

Rod Suskin hosts an entertaining weekly talk radio slot in which he gives personal โ€˜readingsโ€™ using astrological charts. I tuned in the other day to hear him pronouncing on the fact that Jupiter was in an โ€˜angry phaseโ€™.

Of late our biggest planet has apparently been occupying a position in the heavens where it is not particularly happy to be โ€“ causing a somewhat destabilising influence on many people and situations.

For me, it had been a rather up and down and very challenging couple of weeks in many respects, so here was something to smile about. I was thankful for something to blame; something outside of my control!

My dear wife, though, wasnโ€™t buying it. โ€œJupiter and itโ€™s moods aside, I think you need to step back, reflect and go back to practising gratitude for what you have,โ€ she coached me!

[box type=\”shadow\”]โ€œBe thankful for what you have; you\’ll end up having more.
If you concentrate on what you don\’t have, you will never, ever have enough.โ€

โ€“ Oprah Winfrey[/box]

Time Out

Those of you who follow this blog or who have purchased our new Introductory Course, New Insights Life Coaching 101, will know that I advocate a simple process for reconnecting with your life purpose, one that I call taking a personal \’Time Out\’.

I resolved to take some of my own medicine.

It immediately helped to calm me, remind me of how wonderful life is and how stagnant it would be without the challenges that bring about growth. I began to feel grateful โ€ฆ and not long after that I received some good news.

A powerful ingredient

Gratitude is without doubt a powerful ingredient in the โ€˜cake mixโ€™ that manifests well-being and abundance in our lives.

What we think about most consistently is what we attract. This is the simple truth of the Law of Attraction. Things have been rather nicely set up for us to live the lives of our dreams simply by thinking the right thoughts and thinking them consistently.

Easier said than done

Unfortunately this is easier said than done.

In the biased, materialistic and highly competitive society that we humans have chosen to design for ourselves, it is far more natural for our minds to dwell on thoughts about what we donโ€™t have and what we perceive to be the related injustices of our world.

Gratitude is a feeling or emotion that we tend to confine to special occasions or situations. For many of us it is a reactive response to things that are done for us or respect that is shown to us, rather than a proactive way of living our lives.

Removing obstacles to abundance

But gratitude is a potent tool that can help us to get the Law of Attraction working for us. By regularly practising feeling grateful for what we have, we relegate thoughts of lack โ€“ or what we donโ€™t have โ€“ to afterthoughts, thus removing the obstacles to a natural flow of abundance as it was intended.

By focusing on what we do have (and letโ€™s face it, most of us have an awful lot more than we realise if we take the time to think about it) and by deliberately taking time to feel real gratitude and appreciation, not only do we feel so much better about our situations but – guess what – we start to attract more of the things we are grateful for!

Try thisโ€ฆ

Next time youโ€™re feeling down about your life, thinking fate has dealt you a bad hand, or wondering why youโ€™ve experienced such a run of bad luck, stop and think about what has been consistently occupying your thoughts.

The chances are youโ€™ve been dwelling on exactly the things you donโ€™t want or need in your life.

Utilising the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction doesnโ€™t differentiate between good and bad thoughts. Whatever it is you focus on with enough consistency, you will attract in some form. Itโ€™s as simple as that.

By learning to live with gratitude, you can ensure that what you attract is really what you want to attract, in so doing utilising the Law of Attraction in the way it was intended.


27 thoughts on “The Gratitude Effect”

  1. For years I have been writing down at the end of each day 5 things that I am grateful for – this can be something as ‘simple’ as it being a sunny day or meeting up with friends! As technology has progressed this now takes place in an app on my ‘phone with accompanying photos when required. We truly have so much to be grateful for! :0)

  2. Geoff Feldon

    This has certainly seemed to hit a cord with a lot of people judging by the comments above and it definitely has with me. I am going through a bit of a tough time with getting going in my coaching and my photography business and dwelling too much on what I don’t have instead of what I do have.

    Thanks Bill for the wake-up call.

    1. As I said Geoff, it’s a common problem we have given the makeup of the world around us. Don’t feel bad for falling into the trap, as I do from time to time. Just be mindful of it ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Thanks Bill for the Blog. I just want to share with you that I started an attitude of gratitude almost a week ago. Every night before bed I list all my areas and things and people I’m grateful for. I try to be grateful for little things that somehow come right amidst my daily chaos. I can happily report that I seem more calm and my gratitude list grows everyday. I started with barely half page, probably becuase of my state of mind at the time. But now I go beyond a page. And all of sudden I can clearly hear my late father’s consistent “Count your blessings daily and your life will be right”.

  4. “if every waking day is one of gratitude, the blessings will continue to pour in….!” ….Ask, Believe and Receive! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Thanks Bill,
    I am truly blessed, the work I am doing is in the informal settlements, building houses, but just last week I spoke to the sub contractors about where true success comes from, I even photostated, your success article, and gave it to them, I believe I am reaching some of them. Psalm 69:5 mentions being a father to the fatherless, so every day I say thank you God for my training in coaching, and the opportunity he has opened for me. The attitude of gratitude is working for me. If you really want to see gratitude, give an old lady of 80 years her fist house, it brings tears to your eyes

    1. Chris, you are out there doing great work. Thanks to people like you the world will be a better place ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I just want to share with you that I have just finished my 40 days of gratitude. Someone has suggested it to me when I was at a really bad place in my life – I have lost my job, I could no longer take care of my mother and I could not even afford to pay rent. I felt like a complete failure. With the 40 days of gratitude, some days were hard where I really had to think what to be grateful for.
    Now I feel lighter at heart, there are so many things to be grateful for. The hardest part when you are down is to keep on believing and never lose hope. Today I have received wonderful news I have found a permanent job.

    So, I am grateful ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Congratulations on the job Elmarie. To be grateful in the circumstances you were in is a huge accomplishment. Thank you for sharing your story, it was really inspiring. Good luck with you job!

  7. I was blessed with a father who taught me the greatest lesson that anyone can wish to learn-to be grateful every morning that I opened my eyes. “Sweetheart,” he used to say so lovingly, “for there really is no guarantee that you are going to wake up every morning!” There is no better way in which to live, than by counting one’s blessings EVERY SINGLE day. If you have never done this exercise before, then I challenge you to do it right NOW: write down all the things for which you are grateful, and don’t stop until you run out of things to mention.

  8. Oh My God, have been feeling horrible the past 3 weeks. Insomnia, grumpy, I even managed to evoke the feelings of grief for my mom ( who passed on 2 years ago). Let me indulge and be grateful for opening this blog and the topic, for my very supportive uncle who is a great father influence over my life, my 2 aunts, Big sister, and ooh my kindhearted little sister who blessed me with beautiful nephews and nieces, and My Big brother, the list is so long I feel like a spoilt brat. And what was bothering me again ? WORK? really now Nomase. WHOAA

    Thank you Bill for inspiration!

  9. I’m reminded from yours and Tania’s post that I always regularly on a daily basis used to think of at least 3 things in my life that I’m grateful for, that has lapsed lately, so I’m getting back in the habit, Thanks – with much gratitude – Lyn

  10. I’m with you on the Jupiter effect, Bill, it’s not me I say, blame a planet! But actually this is wonderfully topical, 15 days ago I started a 100 day Inner Smile Challenge that I am posting on my Soul Sense Coaching Facebook page. Every day I list 3 things that make me smile and it has been such a lovely thing to do. I am noticing so many precious little moments as I go about my day and recording it publically is a great reminder. I would love some company if anyone wants to join in!

    1. Natalie Kirby

      This sounds fab I am totally going to do this. Hopefully it can bring me out of my negative thought cycle ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Thanks Bill,

    It amazes me the patterns we get stuck in that have a positive reinforcing aspect that keeps them growing and smow-balling until nearly all of our experiences and perceptions of life are confined to a very small and well entrenched position on what the world is like. And how hard it is to see the world differently from this point of view when you have so much evidence backing it up… Scary

  12. Vinita Playandi

    I had tears of gratitude towards God this morning and your message just reaffirmed my feelings. I was also thinking that if more man can have a gratitude attitude how much better the world will become. Thank you for re-enforcing this message.

  13. Thanks Bill.

    As always your blog has “hit the spot”

    I’m a big fan of “the secret” and the the gratitude effect. I just needed to be reminded of it once again!

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