Freedom, Confidence, Growth

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Strapline, mantra, call it what you like.

These three words have been front and centre of the New Insights brand since I took over the helm many years ago.

I chose these words because they neatly conveyed my own experience, after having been exposed to New Insights life coaching for the first time in 2006.

Although New Insights life coaching and life coach training has developed and evolved significantly, these words remain as relevant today as they were back then.


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The power of transformational life coaching lies in its ability to free the mind from self-imposed obstacles, restrictions, and boundaries.

We are all born into this world bestowed with the precious twin gifts of an open (or ‘unprogrammed’) mind and free will.

Of course, we humans take quite some time before we can survive without the nurturing and support of others.

During that period we learn how to adjust to the world around us and our growing awareness that we are more than just an extension of the parent or carer that feeds and looks after us.

In our vulnerable formative years, we are exposed to many influences, most are well-intended but occasionally, some are misplaced or even nefarious.

These influences play a pivotal role in shaping our belief and value systems, and therefore our general worldview.

It is human nature to seek out ‘evidence’ (no matter how flimsy or even spurious) that corroborates the beliefs and values we have chosen to take on. So, as we mature, our beliefs and core values tend to become more entrenched.

Now, that’s all well and good if those belief and value systems are empowering, uplifting, and working to serve our changing needs and dreams constructively.

But if not, we can start to feel bogged down, frustrated and even resentful at our seeming inability to achieve that which, at a deep level, we truly want for ourselves.

The pain we feel causes us to suppress those hopes, dreams and desires and we become stuck in a cycle of mediocrity and sameness.

Transformational life coaching is hugely effective in promoting our awareness of how we got to where we are and why we feel the way we feel.

The leap in self-awareness helps us to become consciously aware of our precious gift of free will and the inherent power we have to make the choices and changes that will propel us on a new and more exciting path.

The growth in self-awareness is often characterised by many lightbulb moments that culminate in a feeling that we have gained a newfound freedom.


Anyone who has had the misfortune to be incarcerated will know full well the relief, elation and surge of confidence that comes with being released.

The same is true when you experience the breakthrough realisation that you hold the keys to unlock the cage – built from self-limiting attitudes and behaviours – that you have unwittingly confined yourself to.

Your self-belief and confidence soars!


Plants in an adverse environment, without the optimum amount or quality of food, water and sunlight, will cease to grow and eventually wither away.

As humans, we too require the right physical environment to survive. But we also need the right mental environment if we are to grow and thrive.

We need self-belief coupled with an open, inquisitive mind, one that is free to imagine and explore new opportunities.

When we grow and develop as individuals we become more attuned with the unique gifts that we have to offer the world.

In utilising those gifts, we bring our passion to bear in contributing to the world, and in this way, we derive meaning and fulfilment from our lives.

In summary

Transformational life coaching involves an enlightening journey of self-discovery.

It starts with the freedom of mind and spirit that comes with a profound new level of self-awareness.

That self-awareness manifests in amazing levels of self-belief and a realisation of the true power that lies within.

That, in turn, spurs our quest for growth and development.

In growing and developing we supercharge our capacity to contribute constructively to the growth and development of others, and our world as a whole.

And, in doing so, we are rewarded with meaning, fulfilment and, ultimately, inner peace!

To all those who are reading, allow me to wish you …

Freedom, Confidence, and Growth.

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Most of what is written about in this Blog derives, or is extracted from, the widely acclaimed and internationally accredited New Insights Life Coach Training and Certification Programme.

Have you considered training to become a life coach? If so we invite you to visit our main website. Start by visiting Become a Life Coach in the menu bar of this website.

2 thoughts on “Freedom, Confidence, Growth”

  1. Congratulations, Bill, on the recognition you have received in the UK for your podcasts. As I read this inspiring blog, I became extremely mindful of the pivotal role that my integral coach played in my life. To partner with a coach is the key to becoming the best version of ourselves, and to experience the freedom, confidence and growth that facilitates the discovery of our true purpose. It is through this unique relationship, and the dynamic process of coaching, that we learn how to see and do things differently. In my opinion, this process of transformation requires a catalyst. It is seldom, if ever, something we achieve on our own.

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