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what's the point?

What’s the Point?

What’s the point of life and living?

It’s surprising – perhaps shocking is a better word – that this is not a question that occupies our minds more frequently.

In this article, Bill discusses how, to our detriment, the distractions of the world around us serve to prevent introspection and a sound connection with our ‘core vital’ – our reason for being.

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heads up

Heads Up: Great New Life Loading

By 2025 the number of mobile devices in use worldwide is expected to reach more than 18bn. That’s more than two for every person on this planet!

Mobile technology has become indispensable for certain day-to-day applications … but some keep us ‘heads down’ with features that are highly addictive but with questionable value when it comes to promoting our quality of life.

In this post, Bill considers the emergent heads-down culture and suggests that we should try to resist being victims of its insidious effects.

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Lady praying at Balinese temple

Life Lessons From a Strange Yet Mystical Land

Life lessons are there to be had in many corners of our troubled, yet special world.

For Bill, one place in particular stands out for his experience of the authentic love, respect and care shown for humanity.

In this blog post, he advocates that we should expect the unexpected in this mystical land.

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Be True to Yourself

The pressures and demands of the modern day world are such that many of us find our lives are trained on trying to meet the expectations of others. In the process we become further slowly more disconnected from who we are and what it is that is important to us.

If you find yourself constantly wrestling with what you feel you should do versus what you inwardly feel you need to do, Be True to Yourself is written for you!

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ways to deal with stress

8 Ways to Deal with Stress

Levels of chronic stress are unprecedented in today’s world. Ironically, technological advancements that promised to give us more time for leisure and enjoyment are at the root of this problem.

In this post, Bill suggests eight ways in which stress can be dealt with.

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Passion represented by fire heart

Make Your Passion Work for You

A global Gallup poll conducted pre COVID revealed that, among the more than one billion full-time workers, only 15% felt they were properly engaged in their work. In an article titled ‘The World’s Broken Workplace’, Jim Clifton, the Chairman of Gallup, put this staggering statistic down to outdated management practices

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key life insights

7 Key Life Insights

I love being in the people industry. Working with life coaches, trainee life coaches, and members of the public with an interest in self-development, ensures that I am constantly learning about people. And it’s people that make the world go around! Some time ago a teacher, and avid reader of

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Why become a life coach?

5 Compelling Reasons to Become a Life Coach

If you love working with people, have a thoroughly ethical disposition, and share a passion for – and open mind about – personal development, don’t overlook life coaching as a fantastic, potential new full– or part-time career. Life coaching is one of the fastest growing industries in the world at

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happier life

12 Keys to a Happier Life

As inspiring job titles go, Global Ambassador of Happiness & Quality of Life certainly takes some beating. That’s exactly how Belgian, Leo Bormans, distinguished writer, speaker, linguist and promoter of active citizenship, likes to refer to himself. In 2010, Bormans published “The World Book of Happiness”. In this groundbreaking book,

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agents for change

Life Coaches: Agents for Change

Visit the New Insights Facebook page and you’ll see the ‘Agents for Change’ pic below emblazoned in the header image. If you want a simple short version of the answer to the question: “What is a life coach” then ‘agent for change’ is right on the money! That’s because life

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better life

20 Powerful Tips for Living a Better Life

Through life coaching one can easily transform one’s attitude and approach to life such that it becomes altogether more fulfilling, meaningful and enjoyable. In my opinion – one shared by a great many life coach practitioners – life coaching is the ideal solution for those seeking joy, happiness and inner

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head, heart and career

Your Head, Your Heart and Your Career

Do you love your work, tolerate it, or just plain hate it? Are you closing in on your dreams, stuck in neutral, or drifting further away? A complete turn I gave up any active involvement in engineering more years ago than I care to remember but the civil engineering institute

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escape the mediocrity trap

Escape the Mediocrity Trap

As we slowly begin to emerge from the doom and gloom that descended upon us as the global pandemic struck, with its many nasty consequences, many of us are left thinking “What now?” In today’s hectic world, an opportunity to think and reflect can often be ‘just what the doctor

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is life coaching a luxury?

Is Life Coaching a Luxury or a Necessity?

There’s no question that we are weathering difficult times! Some are experiencing unprecedented anxiety over health and wellness issues. Most are having to come to terms with increasing economic stress or hardship. During such times it is natural to scale down the purchase of luxuries and scale up the investment

Is Life Coaching a Luxury or a Necessity? Read More »

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