Understanding Division and What We Can Do About It

Home » Understanding Division and What We Can Do About It

Recent events around the world have served to strengthen my belief that, whereas there are many on our planet who seek to build unity, bring about harmony and spread love, there are other forces clearly bent on sowing division, creating distrust and fomenting anger.

What’s new? you may ask. This is the classic battle of good versus evil that has been raging since time immemorial and is part of the human condition.

Perhaps. But simple acceptance that polarising influences have somehow been engineered into humanity, and represent an inescapable part and parcel of our being, does little to help understand, and even less to help address, this pressing issue.

Primary cause

My point is that if we are to tackle the issue of division, we need to expose its primary cause.

Let me start the discussion by visiting the concepts of abundance, scarcity, freedom and control that we refer to at length in the New Insights life coach training programme.

Natural abundance

There can be little argument with the premise that the natural state of our world is one of amazing abundance.

Mother nature, left to her own devices is an extraordinary provider, not just of the food and resources we need to survive but also of the sights, sounds, odours and feelings that keep our senses primed so we might thrive mentally and emotionally.

Anyone who has travelled, even if only to a limited extent, will bear testimony to the incredible variety of climates, terrains, fauna and flora on offer to us to enhance our experience of this world.

Man made extremes

When we turn the spotlight away from nature and onto ourselves, however, the picture is very different.

Abundance is certainly in evidence but far more prevalent is great scarcity. And both exist in extremes that many would find obscene!

Something is wrong

How did we take the wonderful example of ‘plenty-for-all’ that mother nature holds up to us and create a human reality in which some have far, far more than they need and a great many have far less than a very modest lifestyle demands?

Something is clearly wrong … and I believe we have no-one to blame for it but ourselves.

An elite group

To my mind, the cancer that lies at the heart of this inequality is the existence of a relatively small group of psychopathic individuals whose judgement has been clouded by an obsession with enhancing and preserving their personal abundance at all costs.

To this end, they have built and infiltrated various economic, political and religious power bases from which they control others and suppress dissent.

If you’ve ever played the game Monopoly, you’ll know that there comes a turning point in the game when one player owns so much more money and property than the others that they start to take control.

As their wealth builds, everyone else’s shrinks until what started out as a game of equal opportunity suddenly becomes one of increasing inequality!

In real life, competition is a healthy thing as long as it is based on the principle of equality of opportunity, the preservation of natural abundance, respect for personal freedom and a win-win attitude.

Manipulation and distortion

When those principles are disrespected and disregarded, the state of natural abundance gets manipulated and distorted until there are pockets of hyper abundance in a sea of general scarcity.

Once this happens, the abiding perception amongst the general population is that scarcity – not abundance – is the natural order. As this perception becomes entrenched, people become entrapped.

The elite ’have-a-lots’ fight to preserve and further enhance their abundance through more power, more control and more manipulation.

The ‘have-a-little’ working classes spend their lives struggling to hold on to what they have, or they sacrifice their personal freedom and quality of life trying desperately to appease or even join the elites.

And, for the burgeoning mass of ‘have-nots’, their situations become increasingly dire and life a simple matter of survival.

Frustration and anger

Depressing, yes. But perhaps the above resonates with you?

If so, you may start to appreciate why there is so much pent up frustration and anger in the world.

The ‘have-a-lots’, as I have called them, are very small in number and would be no match for a general population that were united, with mutual respect and a common intent to reinstate freedom and equality, within a natural state of abundance.

Divide and rule

This explains the ‘divide and rule’ approach that they have adopted, pitting groups of people against other groups of people.

Diversity, like abundance, is a natural order in our world.

Amongst people, diversity is a strength that we should applaud, be thankful for and promote in the same way we acknowledge, respect and enjoy diversity in the animal and plant kingdoms. It brings richness, vibrancy and variety to our lives.

Yet our diversity also provides a convenient basis for grouping and labelling people.

This facilitates the manufacturing of distrust and dislike between groups. The resulting disharmony prevents a unified approach and the building of a common purpose that might ‘threaten’ the agenda and lopsided wealth accumulation of the ‘have-a-lots’.

As humanity, we have a lot to answer for!

Courage needed

So how do we start to put things right?

It will take great courage but …

We need to break down the perception of scarcity that drives our fear and acquiescence and embrace an abundance mindset founded on mutual trust, respect for personal freedom and equality of opportunity.

We need to expose those whose greed and manipulation creates artificial scarcity, promotes division and erodes personal freedoms including the critical freedom of choice.

And we need to call to account the media who, whether unwittingly or by design, further the agenda of the ‘have-a-lots’ by highlighting the artificial divisions amongst us rather than focus on the commonalities.

Greater kindness and respect

Most of all, I believe, we need to treat each other with greater kindness and respect, appreciating that, even though each of us is unique, we all share the same source and collective responsibility for our planet our people and the future of our children.

Life coaching as a solution

Through life coaching, many of you reading this will have found a powerful outlet that is effective in promoting the solution to our collective woes by opening minds, increasing self awareness and connecting people with their inner strengths and true purposes.

The loving, unifying nature of this work should never be underestimated.

I’d like to call on you today to step up your efforts to make our world a better place by imparting greater personal freedom, self confidence and growth to people from all walks of life!

10 thoughts on “Understanding Division and What We Can Do About It”

  1. Bev Scott-Brown

    Nice article Bill. Especially at this time, where alot seems quite hopeless, it’s a nice reminder that perspective is so important. We can’t always change big things, that seem beyond our control, but we can change how we view them, and take control of our feelings and actions.

    Your reminder that this is world of abundance is a comforting thought. Thank you!

  2. Great article! There are many ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’ that seek to spin a web of manipulation and deceit, furthering their agenda of power and control. It is up to us to act. They only control us if we allow them to. Unity and love are the way out of this mess and that is what they seek to destroy.

  3. Powerful words Bill, your description of the current scenario that is playing out in the world is spot on, in my opinion! Diversity within Unity is what the human race must embrace. Together we are stronger. As Coaches we are light workers, by shining our light Love will conquer over Fear. The two cannot co-exist. Thank you for your great insights as always Bill.

  4. A great response to the current atmosphere in the world, Bill. I do believe that it is absolutely imperative that each and every member of society, whether rich or poor, start taking better care of the environment. It all starts with something as simple as the decision to place litter in a bin. If we are to survive as human beings, nothing is more urgent than a behavioural change in this aspect of our lives. Simultaneously, we should all be taking full responsibility for our health. With a well thought out set of values (which the New Insights programme encourages), our quality of life could be a whole lot different!

    1. Hi Karen, I love your implication that it all starts with values. If we humans were to devote more time to deciding what is really of greatest importance to us – and then do everything in our power to make that reality, then, as you say, our lives would be very different!

  5. Thanks Bill. I have to agree. A system has been created that feeds the fear of scarcity and diversity, resulting in thinking and behaviour that keeps us small, scared and ultimately deeply unsatisfied.
    Well expressed.

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