Life Purpose

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what's the point?

What’s the Point?

What’s the point of life and living?

It’s surprising – perhaps shocking is a better word – that this is not a question that occupies our minds more frequently.

In this article, Bill discusses how, to our detriment, the distractions of the world around us serve to prevent introspection and a sound connection with our ‘core vital’ – our reason for being.

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Celebrate Your Significance

We live in an unpredictable and uncertain world. As we witness the magnitude of the events unfolding around us it is all too easy to take on feelings of powerlessness. Such feelings can cause us to start doubting our own significance, or relevance in the world.

And yet, we each have an important role in the growth and evolution of the planet and the universe. Each one of us is leaving an indelible mark on the course that that evolution takes.

In this podcast episode, Bill encourages listeners to recognise this and celebrate their undoubted significance!

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confused lady

Life Coaching and Misperceptions Explained

Ask any life coach what they do and the chances are high that the word change will crop up in the description they choose to share. At New Insights we like to think of life coaches as agents for change. Helping people bring about the changes that they desire in

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smart move

Why Investing in Life Coach Training is a Smart Move

Life coaching is one of the most fulfilling professions around. As a life coach you get involved in helping your clients achieve their goals and dreams and, more generally, improve their self awareness and overall quality of life. What could be more relevant or important in this very challenging world

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preventative psychology

Life Coaching: Preventative Psychology?

We are living in paradoxical times. We frequently read of the increasingly dramatic strides that are being made in our scientific understanding of physical and mental wellness, and of new drugs being developed to treat related ailments. And yet, it seems very clear that there is an equally dramatic increase

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butterfly effect

How You Can Change the World

I appreciate that you probably opened this article more out of curiosity than actual belief in finding a recipe for changing the world. And that’s fair enough, given that we live in a world characterised by over hype and under delivery! But I ask you to bear with me. Have

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netw worth or added value?

Are You Chasing Net Worth or Delivering Net Value?

In today’s world, much is made of the concept of net worth. For many, caught up in the hype of materialism that dominates our society, net worth is the only true measure of one’s success. However, the problem with net worth is that it is, by definition, a self centric

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don't know what you want

When You Just Don’t Know What You Want!

This week’s article draws inspiration from an issue that often perplexes our trainee life coaches. Helping clients to set inspiring, challenging, yet achievable goals is all part and parcel of the life coaching process. Some clients present with a rather hazy dream or aspiration that they want to crystallise and

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agents for change

Life Coaches: Agents for Change

Visit the New Insights Facebook page and you’ll see the ‘Agents for Change’ pic below emblazoned in the header image. If you want a simple short version of the answer to the question: “What is a life coach” then ‘agent for change’ is right on the money! That’s because life

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better life

20 Powerful Tips for Living a Better Life

Through life coaching one can easily transform one’s attitude and approach to life such that it becomes altogether more fulfilling, meaningful and enjoyable. In my opinion – one shared by a great many life coach practitioners – life coaching is the ideal solution for those seeking joy, happiness and inner

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kindness and greed

Kindness, Greed and Life Coaching

Kindness is a naturally inherent human attribute … but unfortunately, it is not one that is always universally expressed. I was fortunate enough to enjoy a few days away with my family recently. Our getaway took us to a relatively remote place characterised by peace, tranquility and a close connection

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change your life

Ten Questions That Will Change Your Life

The New Insights Life Coaching System is designed around a proprietary model, with the acronym I-N-S-I-G-H-T-S and is transformational in its effect. The ten questions that follow, go to the heart of the model and provide a glimpse of its application in coaching. Take time to reflect on – and

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head, heart and career

Your Head, Your Heart and Your Career

Do you love your work, tolerate it, or just plain hate it? Are you closing in on your dreams, stuck in neutral, or drifting further away? A complete turn I gave up any active involvement in engineering more years ago than I care to remember but the civil engineering institute

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is life coaching a luxury?

Is Life Coaching a Luxury or a Necessity?

There’s no question that we are weathering difficult times! Some are experiencing unprecedented anxiety over health and wellness issues. Most are having to come to terms with increasing economic stress or hardship. During such times it is natural to scale down the purchase of luxuries and scale up the investment

Is Life Coaching a Luxury or a Necessity? Read More »

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