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Lady praying at Balinese temple

Life Lessons From a Strange Yet Mystical Land

Life lessons are there to be had in many corners of our troubled, yet special world.

For Bill, one place in particular stands out for his experience of the authentic love, respect and care shown for humanity.

In this blog post, he advocates that we should expect the unexpected in this mystical land.

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ways to deal with stress

8 Ways to Deal with Stress

Levels of chronic stress are unprecedented in today’s world. Ironically, technological advancements that promised to give us more time for leisure and enjoyment are at the root of this problem.

In this post, Bill suggests eight ways in which stress can be dealt with.

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fear of failure

Never Let Fear of Failure Hold You Back

We all know the old idiom: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!” But many of us never get to embrace this sage advice because we are too fearful of failing. ‘Success’ is overhyped as the ultimate goal that we humans are expected to pursue in life. We

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Motivation and Staying Motivated

I’m just lacking motivation! We’ve all said it and we’ve all experienced the listless feeling that comes with a lack of motivation. Motivation and staying motivated is a much bigger issue for some than it is for others. What exactly is motivation? Why do some struggle more than others? And

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butterfly effect

How You Can Change the World

I appreciate that you probably opened this article more out of curiosity than actual belief in finding a recipe for changing the world. And that’s fair enough, given that we live in a world characterised by over hype and under delivery! But I ask you to bear with me. Have

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time for change

Why Change Seems So Difficult and How to Make it Easy (PART 2)

In Part 1 of this topic, I wrote about the importance of having the courage to bring about change in your life. Change is endemic to life. You can choose to embrace it and make it happen for you, or you can try to ignore it and allow it to

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Why Change Seems so Difficult and How to Make it Easy (PART 1)

No doubt you have heard the saying: “May you live in interesting times.” This is, supposedly, the English translation of an ancient Chinese curse! The Chinese language original has apparently never been found, although some say that the curse was based on a proverb that reads: “It’s better to be

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better life

20 Powerful Tips for Living a Better Life

Through life coaching one can easily transform one’s attitude and approach to life such that it becomes altogether more fulfilling, meaningful and enjoyable. In my opinion – one shared by a great many life coach practitioners – life coaching is the ideal solution for those seeking joy, happiness and inner

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key to self confidence

The Key to Self Confidence

Every day people pass up amazing opportunities that life presents to them. In the aftermath they will argue: “The time wasn’t right,” I didn’t have the time,” “I didn’t have the money” or “The opportunity wasn’t quite what I was looking for”. These are all valid reasons, of course …

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escape the mediocrity trap

Escape the Mediocrity Trap

As we slowly begin to emerge from the doom and gloom that descended upon us as the global pandemic struck, with its many nasty consequences, many of us are left thinking “What now?” In today’s hectic world, an opportunity to think and reflect can often be ‘just what the doctor

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you need a life coach

Why you DO need a Life Coach

With few exceptions, just about anyone can benefit from the services of a good life coach. I’ve said it many times before. I don’t believe we, in the life coaching industry, have done ourselves any favours by coining and promoting the term ‘life coach’. It simply isn’t specific or descriptive

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interesting times

Living In Interesting Times

“May you live in interesting times.” This phrase, often attributed to Chinese philosopher Confucius who lived around 500BCE, is commonly cited as the translation of an ancient Chinese curse. Interestingly, though, no definitive Chinese source for this saying has ever been found. Perhaps the most closely related Chinese saying is:

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instant gratification

The Instant Gratification Trap

My inspiration for the previous post, Anxiety, the Scourge of Our Time, came from a New Insights certified life coach by the name of Peter Walter. Peter lives in Letchworth in the UK and specialises in transformational coaching for people dealing with anxiety issues. This week, I’m proud to feature

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Coaching Case Study Part 2

A Coaching Case Study (Part 2)

This week I’d like to offer a follow up to the original post, A Coaching Case Study, that I presented as a post some weeks ago. The theme of the case study is how ordinary people like you and me can achieve quite extraordinary things with the help of a

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