Self Awareness

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power of people

The Power of People

The power of the collective to bring about change is seldom questioned and often clearly demonstrated during democratic election times such as that we are witnessing in 2024.

But the power of the individual is given less attention, with many doubting their ability to impact the world in any meaningful way.

In today’s post, Bill explains why this is doubt is so misplaced.

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Be True to Yourself

The pressures and demands of the modern day world are such that many of us find our lives are trained on trying to meet the expectations of others. In the process we become further slowly more disconnected from who we are and what it is that is important to us.

If you find yourself constantly wrestling with what you feel you should do versus what you inwardly feel you need to do, Be True to Yourself is written for you!

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ways to deal with stress

8 Ways to Deal with Stress

Levels of chronic stress are unprecedented in today’s world. Ironically, technological advancements that promised to give us more time for leisure and enjoyment are at the root of this problem.

In this post, Bill suggests eight ways in which stress can be dealt with.

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confused lady

Life Coaching and Misperceptions Explained

Ask any life coach what they do and the chances are high that the word change will crop up in the description they choose to share. At New Insights we like to think of life coaches as agents for change. Helping people bring about the changes that they desire in

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smart move

Why Investing in Life Coach Training is a Smart Move

Life coaching is one of the most fulfilling professions around. As a life coach you get involved in helping your clients achieve their goals and dreams and, more generally, improve their self awareness and overall quality of life. What could be more relevant or important in this very challenging world

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preventative psychology

Life Coaching: Preventative Psychology?

We are living in paradoxical times. We frequently read of the increasingly dramatic strides that are being made in our scientific understanding of physical and mental wellness, and of new drugs being developed to treat related ailments. And yet, it seems very clear that there is an equally dramatic increase

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Motivation and Staying Motivated

I’m just lacking motivation! We’ve all said it and we’ve all experienced the listless feeling that comes with a lack of motivation. Motivation and staying motivated is a much bigger issue for some than it is for others. What exactly is motivation? Why do some struggle more than others? And

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self reflection

The Value of Self Reflection

Completion of a self reflection questionnaire is the final step in the New Insights Life Coach Training and Certification Programme. These submissions provide valuable insights into the new coaches that we are about to unleash upon the world to help perpetuate our mission of bringing freedom, self confidence and growth

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don't know what you want

When You Just Don’t Know What You Want!

This week’s article draws inspiration from an issue that often perplexes our trainee life coaches. Helping clients to set inspiring, challenging, yet achievable goals is all part and parcel of the life coaching process. Some clients present with a rather hazy dream or aspiration that they want to crystallise and

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key to self confidence

The Key to Self Confidence

Every day people pass up amazing opportunities that life presents to them. In the aftermath they will argue: “The time wasn’t right,” I didn’t have the time,” “I didn’t have the money” or “The opportunity wasn’t quite what I was looking for”. These are all valid reasons, of course …

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wings and wealth

Grow Wings and Attract Wealth

To many, the achievement of personal freedom would seem wholly dependent on one’s ability to build material wealth. To others, attaining personal freedom requires one to focus on a path of spirituality, which is incompatible with an approach to life based on the acquisition of material things. So, who is

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lack of direction

Lack of Direction and How to Deal With It

Are you lacking clear direction? Does it feel like a thick fog has descended and you’re struggling to see the path you should follow, never mind visualise the destination? If so, you can take heart from the fact that you are most certainly not alone. Uncertainty and confusion Life coaches

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change your life

Ten Questions That Will Change Your Life

The New Insights Life Coaching System is designed around a proprietary model, with the acronym I-N-S-I-G-H-T-S and is transformational in its effect. The ten questions that follow, go to the heart of the model and provide a glimpse of its application in coaching. Take time to reflect on – and

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escape the mediocrity trap

Escape the Mediocrity Trap

As we slowly begin to emerge from the doom and gloom that descended upon us as the global pandemic struck, with its many nasty consequences, many of us are left thinking “What now?” In today’s hectic world, an opportunity to think and reflect can often be ‘just what the doctor

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